"Whew women man! Never know what y'all wanna eat." He scoffs, focusing on the road.

"You know what, I'm tired of passing all of the good places. Let's just go to my old job, Luke. Even though I hate my former boss, and don't wanna see his face; the food there is absolutely delicious."

"Aite, it better be good for real since I gotta turn around and drive all the way back to it."

"Boy shut up, I told you we could drive my car but you insisted on getting in yours." Bailey rolls her eyes, poking her lip out.

"Awwww the baby gets an attitude when she's hungry." He teases, motioning for him to kiss her.

"Nope, focus on the road. We don't need to be kissing right now."

Once they finally make it to Luke, they're immediately seated and Ahmad is their waiter.

"I didn't think you'd come back here. I missed you, Bae. I been so busy working your shifts that I haven't had time to call you." Ahmad says, sitting down the drinks that Bailey and Josiah ordered.

As soon as the word "Bae" comes out of the waiter's mouth, Josiah's smile turns into a frown; his heart beating rapidly from the anger within. All this time he been out here feeling Bailey and she's been talking to another nigga but had the nerve to be mad about KoKo. Well ain't that the pot calling the kettle

"I missed you too! We have all the time in the world to catch up. I'm sure you'll have an off day soon and we can hang out for a while." Bailey says back, standing up to hug him.

Josiah tries to keep his composure until he notices that the hug lasts longer than it needs to be. Their bodies too close for his liking.

"Aye y'all got me fucked up!! I'll burn this bitch down before I let y'all disrespect me like this." He yells, pulling Bailey and Ahmad apart. "Bailey, lets go."

Josiah slams a ten on the table for the drinks and drags Bailey out of the restaurant by her arm; slightly shoving her into the car then speeding off once he's inside.

"You literally just embarrassed me and yourself over nothing! It's not what it looks like Josiah."

"Man, you ain't gotta explain shit to me. Like you said at granny house, we both single... from now on, ima do my thang and you do yours." He says as they pull up to her house. "Be easy, lil mama."

"See you doing way too much now for real! If you wanna stop talking over that then fine. Fuck you!" Bailey says getting out and slamming the door, waiting for him to respond but doesn't get one. "So you really gone do me like this? You don't wanna come in?? You know I had a rough night, I want you to hold me."

"Naw BAE, let yo lil nigga from the restaurant hold you tonight." Josiah says, putting emphasis on the word "bae"..... "And give me my house key."

Bailey rolls her eyes then throws the house key through Josiah's car window; storming into the house while he speeds off.

Instead of going back to his grandma's house, he goes to his own then goes inside; punching his wall. He needs to release his anger and what better way to do that than to text Koko. As he's scrolling through his contact list, he sees that her name is gone.

"Bailey crazy ass probably blocked her." He thinks to himself while scrolling though the block list and unblocking her.

Josiah: "Aye KoKo, send me some nudes. You know I miss yo fine ass"

He knows he's lying about missing her but right now, all he wants is the pictures.

Koko: "you've got to be fucking kidding me, Jo! First of all you let yo bitch send me a disrespectful ass message then let her block me on everything!! I've been texting and calling you for weeks but now just cause you want some pictures, you decide to text me."

Josiah: "It ain't even like that! She took my phone while I was sleep and did that shit. I'm just finding out about allat right now... don't even worry bout her! We done... I'm all yours baby."

Koko: "nigga you know where home at... why you want pictures when I can come put it on you right now?"

Josiah: "I'm sick right now and I don't wanna get you sick."

Koko: Attachment: 5 images
Enjoy daddy and get well soon😘 I'll come see you tomorrow, leave your door unlocked.

Josiah stares at the pictures for a while, his dick getting harder by the minute. Honestly he wishes these were pictures of Bailey, but he'll have to settle for Koko like always . If it wasn't for his wound, he'd be fucking the shit out of KoKo right now.

"Well time to get the lotion." He sighs loudly.

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