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Bailey was sleeping peacefully, enjoying her day off until her phone rings at 8:00am

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Bailey was sleeping peacefully, enjoying her day off until her phone rings at 8:00am. She declines it quickly without looking at the caller ID and it rings again, pissing her off. She's never up this early when she does have to work. She picked the night shift for a reason. She is not an early bird. Never has been, never will be.

"What!!?" She screams into the phone, throwing a pillow at the wall.

"Aye don't be screaming and shit. Come pick me up from jail."

"Jerrico, you think I'm supposed to run every time you call? It's my off day and I'm tired. Call somebody else."

Bailey hangs up the phone and it rings again so she answers it while getting up from the bed because she knows her brother won't let her rest.

"Alright, I'm coming. Stop calling.. you at your second home?" She says referring to the jail that he's always taken to.

"Yeah and lose the attitude before you come. My attitude and yours only gone cause more problems." Jerrico says before hanging up the phone.

Pulling up to the jail, Bailey only has to wait a couple of minutes before her brother comes outside, holding his belongings. He gets into the car and slams the door behind himself, his body odor creeping into Bailey's nostrils.

"Don't be slamming no doors like you paid for this car and ew, you smell like shit."

"You'd smell like shit too if you shared a cell with the nigga who had diarrhea. Can you just take me home?" Jerrico scoffs loudly.

As Bailey starts to drive in the direction of Jerrico's apartment, she notices that her brother pulls out a freshly pearled blunt from his jacket pocket. The next thing he pulls out is a lighter then lights the blunt, putting it up to his lips and inhales deeply.

"Oh no sir, put that shit out NOW! I don't want you smoking in my car and nigga how you get that in jail?"

"I need it and it's plenty of corrupt CO's in there. I just had to find the right one to serve me." Jerrico says, turning towards his sister and blowing smoke in her face. "You need it too with your strict ass. You just like pops."

"There's nothing wrong with being like our daddy. The problem is being like our mama and you're pretty much the same person as her. You just got daddy's old temper." Bailey says, swatting away the smoke then grabbing Jerrico's blunt and throwing it out of the window.

"Man what the fuck, Bae! The shit in jail overpriced asf, I had to pay $50 just to get that one blunt and yo stupid ass done threw it out the window. I can't to get out of this car."

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