The Golden Ages 3x14

Start from the beginning

I look around the room for makeup but all I can find is a mascara, blush and a powder puff.

"Let's go!" Lucy says as I walk out the door of my room and run down the stairs. "Now wear your best pair of heels" She says as I look for shoes to wear in the coat closet.

I grab some cereal and pour it into a plastic bowl before slipping on my lace flip over socks to wear with my black pumps.

"Where are we going again?" I ask Lucy.

"There's an open call for a musical at M-G-M studios and we have to go pick up Brittany and Samantha"

"Who's Samantha?" I ask but my question remains unanswered as Lucy grabs my hand and pulls me out to her car.

After we pick up Brittany and Samantha who I would've known as Santana, we head to the studios.

"Don't we have school?" I ask, "We're seniors."

All the girls look at me with confusion. 

"At McKinley High in Lima, Ohio?" 

After an approximate 15 minute travel on the freeway, we pull into a huge gate for parking at the studio.

"Now, they're having the reading with the Finn Hudson!" Samantha squeals.

I get out of car and hear my heels clicking as we walk into the line for the auditions.

Everyone has headshots and is wearing big bug looking sunglasses. I take a form that says I consent to audition for whatever musical this is.

My eyes read over the paper and I see italic writing that spells out Singin' In The Rain. Wait, if this is auditioning right now, then what year is it?

I finally realize why everything's so weird, it's fricken 1952.

Lucy, Brittany, Samantha and I wait in line for about 4 hours until it's our turn to go into the room to audition.

"Oh, Miss." I say to the woman in front of me who dropped her pen. "I think you dropped this" I pick up the writing utensil and give it to the lady as she turns around. The woman has a blonde bob and has a distinct beauty mark on her top lip.

"Oh, thank you" She says in a soft voice.

"I'm sorry but, you look extremely familiar. What's your name?" I ask

"Norma Jeane" She smiles with her red lipstick growing on her face.

"Oh, you're not who I thought you were. Sorry" I rub my arm awkwardly as I wait in the hot California sun.

Finally, we're next in line and I put down the form I filled out earlier and hand it to the woman standing at the door.

"Well, Ms. Peters, looks like it's your turn" The woman smiles and opens the door leading me into a room in the studio.

I walk into the room and am greeted by a man with a black top hat and suit.

"So, are you going to read for Kathy?" The man asks me.

"yes" I put my hands behind my back as I prepare.

"Sorry I'm late, I was just talking to that Norma-" The biggest man in Hollywood (or so I've heard) sits down in the seat next to who I presume is the director. The one, Finn Hudson. "Wow, so are you reading for Kathy?" He asks and I nod my head. "Continue" He smiles and leans back in his chair.

"Is it alright for you to be seen publicly with me?" I read the script.

"You mean -lofty star with humble player?" Finn reads for Don and sticks his chest out as he gets into character.

★·.·'¯'·.·★ sᏢᎪᏒᏦs fᏞᎽᎥᏁᎶ ᎥᏁ ᏞᎥmᎪ★·.·'¯'·.·★Where stories live. Discover now