"Max, I need a Tabasco honey fried chicken and a Washington Parish roasted chicken. Throw a little extra food on there for the nice couple."

"Gotcha Bae. It'll be out shortly." Max winks while putting someone's grilled fish onto a plate.

Bailey makes her rounds to the rest of her tables then returns back to the couple who are holding hands across the table.

"Are y'all okay over here?"

"We're fine. I hate to be rude but are you not from here? You don't have that New Orleans accent that I'm so used to." The woman asks, using a napkin to wipe away her matte, red lipstick.

"That's not rude at all and no ma'am, I'm not from here. I'm from Mississippi. I moved here two years ago so the accent doesn't really stick with me." Bailey responds with the usual.

She's asked that question a lot by the locals.

"Well it's quite refreshing to hear a different accent and call me Sheron. Ma'am makes me sound so old and I'm only 69."

"Thank you, ma'am.. I mean Sheron." Bailey laughs, walking away from the table and back into the kitchen.

She grabs the plates of food for the couple and carries them back to the table, being careful not to trip or burn herself.

"Y'all enjoy. If you're not ordering dessert, I can go ahead and get your ticket."

"No dessert for us. I've got to keep my figure right chile. He'll take the ticket." Sheron winks, cutting her fried chicken with the knife and fork.

Bailey goes to get the ticket while laughing to herself about how Sheron is contradicting herself. She doesn't want dessert because she's watching her figure but yet she's eating a huge, fried, chicken breast smothered in hot sauce and honey. The only thing she'll be watching is the hospital television if she keeps eating that way.

"So what plans do you have tonight, lil girl?" Ahmad asks, standing next to Bailey as she prints the ticket.

"I'm going out to eat with my best friend. Nothing fancy, probably Waffle House."

"Is your best friend single? She got a fat ass?"

"Actually no, she dates my brother and Ahmad! When did you start caring about a girl having a fat ass?" Bailey asks, acting shocked.

"Since the skinny, flat booty bitches started breaking my heart." He laughs, walking away.

Bailey carries the 47 dollar ticket over to the couple and the man happily hands her a crisp, one hundred dollar bill.

"Keep the change, young woman." He says before helping his wife up from the table.

"Thanks so much. Come back to see us."

Hours later, the clock hits 2:00pm indicating that Bailey's shift is over. This was the first time she's agreed to take someone's shift who worked from 7:00am-2:00pm and she'll never do it again. It was the most hectic, stressful shift she's had in a while but it made her remember why she works nights.

"Bye Ahmad, I'll see you tomorrow." Bailey says while grabbing her things from her locker.

"Bye and ehh we'll see. I got a strong feeling that I'll be sick tomorrow.. cough cough, oh look it's starting already." Ahmad laughs loudly.

"Mhm next time we're never taking anyone's morning shifts again. We're sticking to nights. Your dumb ass shouldn't have agreed to this morning shift knowing you have to come back tonight to work."

"Yeah yeah, I don't need a lecture, mom. Go have fun with your friend."

Bailey says "bye" to her other coworkers and walks outside to her, bronze colored 2010 Ford Fusion. Unlocking the doors, she throws her purse and apron into the passenger's seat while cranking up the car. Every time she gets into her car, she praises the Lord for blessing her to be able to make enough money to buy herself this car. It may just be a Ford Fusion to some people but it's an Audi to Bailey.

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