"I joined the synchronized swimming team" Sam says proudly.

"Shush, you're gonna get ridiculed if someone hears you" Finn tells his friend to shut up.

Almost as if on cue, the hockey team shows up with some Big Gulps in their hand.

"Oh look" They throw the slushies all at once "It's synchronized" They mock Sam.

Quinn sees this happening and walks over to make four of us standing together.

"Oh my god Sam are you okay?" She asks. Quinn tries to help Sam clean up. "Wait, you joined synchronized swimming?" She chuckles, then notices and plays it off.

"I love you Quinn. I just wanted to impress you, make everything like it was last year" Sam flicks some of the slushie off of his robe.

"I love you Sam" She says, and after that, Finn and I decide to leave because it's weird watching two of your best friends go at it.

Artie forces Finn, Mike, and Blaine to help him with a proposal idea for Mr.Schue so I get dragged to the auditorium after school to watch. Becky sits next to me looking on. They decide to perform Moves Like Jagger with Jumpin Jack Flash

"Isn't Artie hot?" She nudges me with her elbow.

"I think Finn's pretty cute. But don't tell him I said that" I smile at her.

"Ew" She rolls her eyes. "At least have standards" she must've forgot that me and Finn are actually dating.

The performance ends, finally so Becky can stop harassing me for thinking Finn's cute.

The two audience members (me and Becky) clap for the performers and Becky races to the stage.

"So, now can we go on our date?" She asks Artie, who wheels up to the front of the stage.

"Becky, this is our date" He says.

I get up on stage and tell Finn how good of a job he did and how cute he looked singing backup.

"I would say yes guys, but this would cause Ms. Pillsbury's OCD to go insane. This dancing would cause sweat and yea" Mr. Schue scratches the back of his neck. "But thanks, it was really good guys" He smiles then walks directly over to Finn and I.

"I'm so happy for you Mr. Schue" Finn smiles, hugging his favorite teacher.

"Thanks Finn, it really means a lot" He pulls away from the hug. "So, I was wondering. Do you want to come ring shopping for Ms. Pillsbury's engagement ring?" He asks Finn, not even looking at me but I don't care honestly.

"Yea, for sure" Finn's face lights up.

"Cool, so I was thinking after we clean up here and put everything back in the choir room we could head out?" Mr. Schuester says.

"Alright well, I can clean all this up and you guys can go if you want" I tell Mr. Schue and Finn.

"Oh, alright cool. Finn?" Mr. Schue nods towards the door.

"I'll see ya later" Finn says, giving me a goodbye kiss on the cheek.

"Have fun!" I say as they both walk out the door.

"Thanks Jess see you in class tomorrow!" Mr. Schuester says.

Finn texts me later something about being Mr. Schuester's best man and that he said yes blah blah.

The next day, Tina, Santana, Mercedes and I head into Mr. Schuester's office.

"Mr. Schue?" I ask, leading the group into the office. "If you could follow us please" I smile and take his hand, leading him to the auditorium.

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