28. darkness lurks.

Start from the beginning

"Well she said she did."

"Did you do anything else?"

I bob my head and get cozy in my chair, "Went to my family cabin, had a whole carton of ice cream and talked for a few hours until I drove her home."

"Sounds like a nice date, Koa."

I grab my mug and chug half the tea down, "Is this chamomile?"

He slumps down in to his chair, pulling his book back out and placing his glasses on his face. His back straightens as he strokes his beard while looking over his notes. I've known Wilson long enough to know he's trying to get me calm before getting serious. "It is."

His brown eyes make their way on me, "Are you back at home?"

"Was, until I left."

"How long did you stay home this time?"

"Three days." I murmur.

"And when did you leave?"

"Almost two weeks ago." I admit, bouncing my leg up and down.

"Where have you been staying?"

"My cabin."

He pinches the bridge of his nose, "You are always welcome at my place, Koa." Clearing his throat he leans forward, as if he's more intrigued. "Have you talked to either of your brothers since you've left?"

"Yes." I nod, "But they don't know where I'm staying. I never let them know."

"Why do you think that is?"

"Not sure really."

"Just like the feeling of no one knowing?"

"Yeah." I nod, "I guess so. That way my dad has less of a chance of finding me."

"Maybe he does. I'm sure that doesn't stop your brothers from worrying though."

My hands grip the arm rests, "I don't know."

"I often find Princeton in my office lately."he tells me, propping his chin in his hand.

"My Princeton?"


I wiggle in my chair uncomfortably, "Why?"

"I really can't say much. But he's worried about you Koa."

"Is.." I gulp the lump in my throat and roll my hands into fists. "Is my dad doing anything to him?"

He twirls his fingers around his beard hairs, letting out a light sigh. "I really can't say Koa."

"But he's my brother Wilson."

"It's against hippa Koa. I'm sorry. But I would ask Princeton. He's never been a closed book."



I push my crutches aside and lean them against the door frame. Hopping on one foot I pull all my laundry out of the washer and place them into the dryer before giving them a good wiff, ah mandarin and vanilla, my dad makes the best smelling laundry detergent. Hopping on my only good foot at the moment, I grab my remaining clothes out of my basket and add them to the washer. On my tip toe I reach for the homemade fabric softener and drizzle the right amount in.

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