"It's not true." I get in the middle of Sam and Quinn's couple quarry. 

Our attention shifts to when Santana walks in rhetorically asking "I play for the other team? Who wrote this?" She yells.

"Oh no, by that, I meant that you weren't on Sue's team anymore. Cause you chose glee club over the cheerios" Brittany shrugs.

"Oh my god" Santana sighs.

The school bell rings after glee club signaling to go home. 

I have to go over to Sam's motel to babysit his little brother and sister at around 5. That's where that rumor came from. I forgot to mention that Sam's dad lost his job so their family has been staying at the motel up the street from school and I've been helping him out with the kids and Kurt has been giving him some of his clothes.

I head home, Quinn driving me.

"What's that whole thing about with Sam?" She asks, not believing her best friend from what I previously said.

"Quinn, it's not true." I sigh.

"Whatever" She says and then stays silent the rest of the drive to my house. She drops me off and then I turn and wave but she's already gone.

I rush through my homework so I have time to pick up the pizza I'm bringing for me and the kids for dinner. I grab the Domino's and head over to the motel.

It's dark out and I walk on the creepy motel stairs, creaking, screaming for a repair as I get to the doorbell to let Sam know I'm here.

I see a flash behind me and look. I see nothing though. Then I hear the door creak open so I whip my head back to look at sweatpant clad Sam.

"Thanks so much for coming" He says, hugging me, trying not to damage the pizza.

"It's really no problem, with not being a Cheerio anymore, I have all the time in the world." I say as a short blonde runs up to me.

"Jessie!" She calls and runs up to my leg and hugs it. 

"Hi Stacey!" I smile down at the cutest little girl in the world.

"Look what Jessie brought!" Sam smiles at his sister, "go put it on the kitchen counter and she'll be in in a second" Sam gives the little girl the big pizza box and she giggles as she runs to take care of her big brother's orders.

"She's really adorable" I smile at Sam who's obviously upset.

Out of nowhere, Sam starts crying into my sweatshirt. I run my hand through his hair, soothing him as he lets his emotions out.

"It's okay" I say repetitively.

I hear a motor running through out the night as I babysit. I try not to think much of it and then it finally stops. I peak outside and I don't see bright lights anymore like I did earlier.

Finally, Stevie and Stacey are asleep and I sit down on the pullout couch as watch some cable TV quietly. The only thing on is Jimmy Fallon so I try to stay awake and watch that.

It's around 11 PM when Sam comes back from work.

He opens and shuts the door gently to make sure that the kids don't wake up.

"Thanks so much again" He whispers and gives me a hug. "My parents are working the night shift tonight at the restaurant so they won't be home until tomorrow morning." He sighs.

"Want me to stay?" I offer.

"No, I can't ask you to stay over. Especially on a school night." He says as he rubs my shoulder and yawns.

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