"Jessie?" My mom calls

"Yea?" I yell downstairs

"Is Finn up there?" She yells once again


"Okay, be safe" She calls upstairs, ruining the moment once again.

Finn and I continue to kiss until I decide to break away.

"I'm not sure if I'm ready to, ya know, do more"

"That's fine. I totally understand. I don't want to pressure you to do anything" Finn says as he flips me over so I'm now resting on his chest.

He kisses my neck and laughs into it, sending me vibrations.

"Oh my god that tickleeees" I laugh trying to shove him off.

"Goooood" He throws his head back and laughs as well.

"I love you" I blurt out.

"I love you too Jess" He stops the joking and looks me straight in my eyes.

"Good, now, I'm taking a nap on you. Starting nowwww" I lay my head on his chest, falling asleep to his heartbeat. I feel him pull a blanket on top of us. I smile at the warmness from the fleece. Finn's hands caress my hair, and I feel him plant a small kiss on my head.

"Sleep tight" He whispers in my ear, making my stomach go in knots.

I get into school the next day and head straight to the choir room. I see Holly Holiday and suspect that Mr. Schuester is out again but I spot him out of the corner of my eye.

I take my usual seat next to Finn and he puts his arm around me as I snuggle my head into his shoulder.

"Why's Ms. Holiday here?" I whisper.

"I have no idea" He looks confused, like usual. 

"Hola classe!" She shouts, getting everyone's attention, "so, Mr. Schuester told me that you guys don't know much about sex. Brittany, you really thought that a stork brings a  baby?" She asks rhetorically. "So, Santana, Jessie? Come up here" Ms. Holiday instructs.

We sing and dance to Do You Wanna Touch Me on the red choir room chairs. I occasionally look at Finn and can tell he's totally turned on by me dancing on a chair, hair flipping everywhere and just the way my body moves. I shoot him a wink, making him go even more crazy.

"So, does that make sense to everyone?" Ms. Holiday asks but the room goes silent. "Okay, now, how about a physical demonstration." She claps her hands together.

"Cool, we making a porno?" Puck asks. (LOL)

"No, so I'll be using a cucumber and showing you how to properly use a condom" Ms. Holiday explains.

"Wait, so cucumbers can give you AIDS?" Finn asks.

"I just had them on my salad" Mercedes joins in.

I mentally face palm myself, I can't believe they can be so stupid sometimes. I flick Finn on the head so he knows he's being dumb.

"Hey" He whines, rubbing his forehead where my fingers hit him.

"So, does everyone understand how a condom works? Puck, looking at you buddy" Ms. Holiday looks at Puck with a death stare. I try to hold back a laugh.

We get dismissed and I see that Santana stays back with Ms. Holiday. Not to be nosy or anything but I stand in the doorway. Santana starts crying and Ms. Holiday hugs her.

I leave out of guilt but I wanna know why my friend's crying.

Later, I see Santana at her locker and I decide to approach her.

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