Chapter 53

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(I'm Not Human At All by Sleep Party People)

It's not your fault
It's my own fault
I'm not human at all
I have no heart
It's not my fault
It's your own fault
I'm not human at all
I have no heart

Vic's POV

Luckily, Jeremy never made me do anything with him in the mornings. He gave me my alone time and let me shoot up by myself so I could carry on easy for the rest of the day until my next fix. He did make sure, however, to check up on me, on the off chance that something would go wrong. I appreciated him for that. At the same time, though, I can't say I would really mind if I were to just close my eyes and never wake up again. Nothing really mattered much anymore, anyway. Life was a pain in the ass and that's all it ever would be.

This was the only time I felt alive anymore. This was the only time I ever truly felt something. I wasn't sure how much time had passed, but before I knew it, Jeremy was here to tell me it was time for school.

"Already? Fuck, I forgot to bring extra clothes." I muttered. I stood up and fixed my hair a bit, picking up my backpack from the ground and following him out of his shed.

"How ya feelin?" Jeremy asked.

"Slowly coming down from cloud 9 but still feeling amazing." I smiled, lazily. He chuckled, though his gaze held worry.

"You know it's senior year-"

"I'm not an idiot, I know what year it is." I snapped, irritated. He nodded his head.

"...I'm just saying...maybe this isn't the best time to be slacking off in school-"

"And who the fuck said I was slacking?" I snapped again.

"Vic, you're-"

"I'm what?! I'm nothing! I'm doing perfectly fucking great in school and you have no right to tell me that I'm not, so fuck you!" I yelled at him.

I picked up my pace and walked ahead of him. I'm done dealing with people. I'm done being nice. I don't want to pretend anymore. Why should I have to bite my tongue when someone's pissing me off? Why do I have to have any fucking patience for anyone?

I shook my head in annoyance and frowned the closer I got to school. I didn't even have to get to the doors before I saw Max approaching me. He had been under the bleachers like he always was. For only a second, I panicked. One look at me right now and he'd know I was high. My eyes would tell it all. But how much did I even care? What would he do?

"Hey, V." Max spoke, carefully. I looked away from him and kept walking forward. "So...did you do anything this weekend?"

Small talk. Fuck, I hated it. At least with Max, it stopped after a few minutes of him trying too hard. With Kellin, it doesn't end until he's got something else to tell me about. I scratched at my arm, itchy.

"Yea." I responded.

"What'd ya do?"

"Hung out with a friend." I spoke. It wasn't a complete lie.

"There's still a lot of time before the first bell rings, wanna sit under the bleachers with me? Like old times-"

"Would you stop? Just fucking stop. Can't you see that I don't want to talk to you?!" I turned around in anger. I stepped close to him and watched him with only annoyance in my eyes. "I don't want to sit with you. I don't want to see you. I don't want to see anyone. Don't you get it?"

He frowned, hurt, but something changed in his eyes and he knitted his eyebrows together, his hand grabbing my face as he looked at me.

"Are you-"

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