Chapter 10

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(The worst day by me I guess lol)

And on that day I swore it was the worst
You were leaving me alone but you left me with more joy than I'd ever felt before
Now I'm convinced that day was the best

Vic's POV

Today was big. Kellin would be leaving today to start his vacation and I would be left here to be bored and alone all summer.

"I hate today." I stated. We had gotten up early so we would have more time together. It was Sunday.

"Hey, we're gonna hang out all day, don't be negative. I'm not that bad, am I?" Kellin frowned.

"You're not bad at all, trust me. But you're leaving today and hate you for that."

"Vic, calm down. We'll be fine. Three months isn't gonna tear us apart. Cause if you get another best friend while I'm gone, I'm gonna kill the dick who stole you away from me and then murder you too." He grinned. My eyes widened but I nodded with a smile right after. I was gonna miss him and his dark humor.

"Okay, but I'm doing the same thing to you if you come back with a new best friend." I pouted. He snickered.

"You would never do that, you're a complete hufflepuff, the most you'd do is stick gum in my hair and then apologize." Kellin was in a full fit of laughter by now and I groaned at the fact that he was right.

"Whatever! I'm still gonna do something." I mumbled.

"Yea, okay. Anyway, Where do you wanna go today? What are we doing?" Kellin asked. I let my eyes meet his and inwardly groaned because I still fucking hated his eyes.

"I don't know, maybe just hang out like we usually do? We don't really have money to go to any amusement park or anything. I can ask my mom for like five dollars but that's all she's gonna give me." I spoke.

"Ah, I hate being poor." Kellin sighed. "But if I get five dollars too, we can spend it all on candy! Think of the chocolatey possibilities Vic! Hershey's, kit-kats, Reese's, m&m's! Oh god, it's perfect." Kellin spoke dreamily.

"I forget how much you like chocolate." I mumbled. Why can't you like me like that?

"Go ask your mom, I'll run down to my house and ask mine. 1, 2, 3, split!" And he ran out of my house. I laughed at his over active energy. I loved that boy. More than I wanted to admit.


"I was in the kitchen but you boys never notice anything when you're together." My moms laughter hit my ears as she stood behind me and the couch.

She was holding out a five dollar bill. I slipped it out of her hand with a grin and jumped out of my seat on the couch to give her a big kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you! I'll be with Kellin, we'll come back here later, bye!" And I ran out just like Kellin had before.

The sun was bright in my face but I could see Kellin running towards me in the distance. He was holding up what I assumed was also a five dollar bill. I held mine up too as we stopped running once we reached eachother halfway.

"Five." I huffed. My hands on my knees, my breath slowing.

"Me too." Kellin smiled, out of breath. His hands were above his head in a stretch and my eyes were glued to the skin of his belly as his shirt rode up.

"Damn." I whispered.

"What?" Kellin asked, bringing his arms down.

I stood up straight in a flash. "What?"

He looked at me odd and shook his head. "Nevermind. Let's go to the store."

My face was red and I nodded.

"Seriously, What's up? You're all red." He laughed. I shook my head as I tried to shake the previous image out of my mind.

"Just not fit and that was a lot of running." I forced a big, fake smile on my face. He laughed.

"I always was the better runner." He grinned in triumph. I rolled my eyes.



Wrappers were covering the coffee table in front of us. It was this big mountain range of a pile that almost blocked the tv. It's not like we were watching the movie anymore anyway. We had ended up going deep into conversation about what we thought it'd be like to live on the moon or on mars. We were watching some space movie with Sandra bullock in it. I was bored and so was Kellin.

Although he was doing most of the talking, I was happy to just give little opinions here and there. He was on one of his little rants and I loved it. My face held a lazy smile as I listened to him talk about how mars would be amazing because of all the dust you could probably use as pigment for hair dye. He really was creative and he sure was a sight for sore eyes.

"You're beautiful." I whispered. He stopped mid-sentence. He looked confused.

"What?" He really didn't hear me. But for once in my life, I didn't want to take it back.

"I said you're beautiful." I whispered again. I was nervous. His face went a bright pink and he looked away from me. I had never really cut off one of his rambling to compliment him.

"Oh." He spoke.

"So, mars hu?" I laughed awkwardly.

"Uh, yea. Yea, we could control the population so it doesn't get overpopulated like her on earth and then be better with handling pollution and preventing it. The trick would be stopping people from making babies tho- gosh, people are wild..."

As he went on, I looked at the time on the clock; only a few minutes till his mom would be picking him up and they'd be leaving. All of his things were packed at home, I had helped. Now the only thing left to wait on was his mom and the car.

I felt myself go sad, my mood dropped and I couldn't stop myself from frowning, that sick twist in my stomach not feeling good at all.

And was time. I walked outside with Kellin. His mom waited for us to say our goodbyes as my mom went back inside after saying her goodbye. We took our time.

"This is it. I'm really gonna miss you." Kellin frowned. I could really see it all hit him now. His eyes lost the brightness they always held and they just looked dull now.

"I'm gonna miss you t-"

And just like that. The most amazing thing happened to me. He kissed me.

His hands held the back of my neck and I hurried to kiss him back, to savor the taste of his lips. There was no time to be confused right now, I only wanted to enjoy the feel of his lips in between mine. He bit my lip and I gasped as he slowly pulled away. With my eyes still closed, I was in a daze.

Did that really happen? I had to be dreaming.

When I opened my eyes though, it was still here, but he was in the car and waving goodbye as the car drove away.


A/N: Okay! So my third day of online school was pretty good but like there's so much to catch up on xD ugh I hope you liked this chapter because it won't be long before they're in highschool now lol. THE DRAMA BEGINS.

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