Chapter 47

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(Wednesday. 13:04, from Keaton Henson's The Tallowmere Annual)

"the hole becomes us, telegraph lines stretch piano wire, knitting together the homes of the few. breathing words like "i felt it" to shivering ears. some broken, all longing. the birds find the uses, steal kisses, creep ever. don't ever look down. eat the writhing. spit the bones uncle tuesday, song singer."

Vic's POV

I cringed as the sounds of my mama's harsh coughs filled my ears. It had been two days and her cold wasn't getting any better. Maybe if she'd listen to me and take some medicine, she'd start getting there but she keeps insisting that it won't do her any good.

I've tried getting her to a doctor but she keeps refusing, she keeps working and it's terrible because it's on-call and they call her in at the weirdest times. I just want her to stop pushing herself so much. She needs to rest and she needs to get some medicine into her system.

"Mama?" I asked. She had just come downstairs, car keys in hand. "Where are you going?"

I paused the movie I had playing on the TV and went over to her, following her to the front door.

"Work called. I'll be back soon, mijo." She spoke.

I frowned at her. I wanted to tell her she shouldn't go but I knew it'd only result in her arguing with me and going anyway. I sighed, saying goodbye before letting her walk out. I locked the door behind her and went to sit back in the couch. I threw my head back and closed my eyes. What a boring weekend. I'd call Kellin, but he was at therapy today. God, I'm so glad he told me about that. He doesn't like talking about it much but he's thoughtful enough to tell me whenever he has appointments.

I opened my eyes and sat up, my eyes darting to my phone. Maybe if I called Max? Would he want to see me? I haven't spoken to him or really seen him since we...since we broke up.

I missed him. I missed him a whole lot. I just wanted to see him, I wanted to tell him about rehab and about my papa but I had just been so busy with Kellin and trying to get better that I hadn't really reached out to him. He hadn't reached out to me either though, so, maybe he didn't want to see me? He said we'd be fine, but who's made a move to talk to the other? Neither of us. I sighed, rubbing a hand through my hair as I reached for the phone and dialed his number.

I waited for him to pick up, a complete bundle of nerves.

"V? Hey..." Came his low voice. The nickname had me smiling instantly. I missed that.

"Um, hi, Max. I know it's been a while, but...maybe- I mean, if you want, you could come over today?" I asked, anxious. Fuck, why was I so anxious?

"Uh, yea. Yea, I'd love to. Should I head over now or...?"

"Yea! Yea, we could watch movies and stuff?" I asked, awkwardly. It's just Max. You should be able to talk to him, Vic.

Max chuckled over the line. I felt butterflies in my stomach. Vic, what the fuck? "And stuff? Hmm...okay. Sounds fun, dork."

I laughed too. "Okay, see ya." I hung up the phone. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in and got up from my spot on the couch. I went into the kitchen and began preparing some Hot pockets and popcorn. I looked through the fridge and pulled out some sodas. I took everything over into the living room and set it down on the coffee table in front of the couch.

I went over to our movie collection and looked through it. We could watch Rocky Horror Picture Show? Max loves that movie. I smiled to myself, yup, that's the one. I put the movie in and watched as the selection screen of the movie came up. Then, there was a knock on the door.

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