Chapter 48

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(A quote by Robert A. Heinlein)

"Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own."


Vic's POV

Things were...great, for once.

I had finished rehab up about three months ago and had just gotten back from spring break. Senior year was proving to be stressful but I was definitely handling it better than Kellin. My poor boyfriend was failing one of his classes. It wasn't his fault though, it was the new medication he's been on. It's making him feel different, more slow in a way, at least that's what he told me. On the bright side though, I was helping him get his grades up! He should be fine again soon, I just hope he starts feeling better soon.

"Do we have to? I just want to sleep." Kellin whined. His face was buried in a pillow so it came out muffled. I chuckled a little, kissing the top of his head.

"Yes Kell, you gotta eat something." I spoke.

"I'm not hungry." He mumbled.

"You never are anymore but you have to eat." I said.

He sighed loudly, rolling over on his bed. "Fine. But you have to give me a kiss."

I rolled my eyes playfully but leaned down and kissed him slowly, nonetheless. He smiled into the kiss, holding my head.

He pulled away, standing up. "Okay loser, let's go eat."

"Hey, I'm not a loser!" I pouted.

Kellin laughed, shaking his head. "You totally fucking are, ya cute fuck."

I blushed, a stubborn frown on my face. I still can't believe he managed to make me blush after so long. I just can't help myself around him. I love him so much. And he finally loves me too.

"Well, do you want me to make something for us or do you want to order in?" I asked as we walked down the hall to his kitchen.

"Oh, so you're gonna cook now, are ya?" Kellin smirked, leaning against his counter.

"Okay, maybe not by myself, but we could both cook."

"Ugh, fuck, I'm too lazy for that shit." Kellin groaned. "Let's just order Chinese food."

"Chinese food?" I asked, to make sure. He loved changing his mind. He nodded. I pulled my phone out, ready to call the usual place.

"No, wait! Fuck, maybe Indian? No, no, no, um...I don't know, ugh. I'm not even hungry. You pick." He frowned.

"If I pick you'll end up telling me you want something else." I rolled my eyes, already knowing him. He crossed his arms over his chest and raised his eyebrows.

"No I won't."

"Fine." I shrugged. "I'm ordering Thai food."

I pulled my phone out to open postmates. I glanced at him when he didn't say anything. He was biting down on his lip, his eyebrows furrowed together. He looked at me. I quirked and eyebrow.

"What?" He spat.

"Spill it." I said, already knowing what it was. I bit back the smirk wanting to make its way on my face.

"I hate you." He frowned. I stared at him, now crossing my arms. "Oh my god, okay, I don't want Thai food. Get Buffalo Wild Wings."

I laughed. He was so damn cute. "See? Was that so hard, Kell?" I teased.

He rolled his eyes, leaving to the living room.

I placed our order in. "You sure you have enough money in your card, babe?"

"Yea! I just got paid two days ago!" Kellin yelled from the living room. I smiled. Fuck, I'm so proud of him. He didn't think he'd actually manage to get a job, but he did it. And he was fucking crushing it.

I placed the order and went into the living room after grabbing some water.

"I'm gonna nap. Wake me up when the food gets here, okay?" Kellin mumbled, already resting his head on my shoulder. I smiled down at him, kissing the top of his head. I didn't argue with him this time. I knew all the medicine was making him extremely tired. I'm just glad I'm here to take care of him.

My phone vibrated in my hand shortly after he fell asleep.

Max: Hey, down to hang out?

I smile down at the text.

Me: I'd love to but I've already got plans today. Spending the day with Kellin 😊

Max: Ah, alrighty. How was your spring break btw? (:

Me: it was pretty...hard, I guess. I had fun on our trip but My mama's getting worse and I'm worried about her. Papa and I are forcing her to see a doctor in a few days.

Max: Is he finally speaking to you? o:

Me: No. But we're on the same page

Max: I wish I could kick your dads ass. ):<

Me: He's not worth the time. 😒 it's not like I have to see him much anyway, he's always at work

Me: you doing okay?

Max: If you're asking me if I've stopped using, yea, for now. I think I'm doing pretty good. It's been all dank ass weed for weeks d:

I laughed and shook my head.

Me: o of course! Your stoner ass would shrivel up and die without it, haha 😝

I put my phone down when I heard a knock on my door.

"Ah, shit." I opened the postmates app and saw the notification I had missed while texting.

I shook Kellin a little and he shuffled around, sitting up.

"Food?" He asked. I nodded, getting up. I got the food and thanked the man that brought it. Kellin and I began to eat as soon as I set it down in front of us.

"For someone who isn't hungry, you sure are devouring that." I laughed, feeling happy that he wasn't refusing to eat.

"Wings are my weakness, maybe that's why." He shrugged, scarfing them down like they'd disappear if he stopped chewing for too long.

He got sauce all over his mouth, nose, and cheeks. I ate mine a lot slower and only got a bit on my chin.

Kellin sat back against the couch and rubbed his belly, his eyes closed. I grinned. I held my thumb out and wiped the left over sauce on his nose off, licking it off my thumb. He smiled at me.

"I think there's some on my lips too..." Kellin smirked.

"Hmm, I don't see any." I said, genuinely confused. He reached over to the box where the wings once were and took some of the sauce left on it, smearing it on his lips ever so slowly, watching me.


"Maybe you could look again?" Kellin asked, innocently. I blushed, going to wipe it away with my fingers but he shook his head. I blushed even more and he placed his finger under my chin, pulling me in for a kiss. Our lips molded together perfectly, the sauce slowly being cleaned away by our lips and our tongues.

This kiss was as spicier than they usually were. Quite literally.

He pulled away, a happy smile on his face. He kept his eyes closed as I looked down at him. Our noses were touching.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too."

A/N: just a quick little chapter to get things going. It's been a while since the last time skip and I figured it was time. Senior year is up and about y'all! Get ready for another whirlwind of strong emotions (:

Also, if you haven't already, go read my story Bones & Dregs!

And if you haven't seen the short film I based this story off of, go to the first chapter of this, there's a link now available in the beginning of the chapter since the original video was removed from YouTube.

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