Chapter 24

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(Rosa by Rita Dove)

How she sat there,
The time right inside a place
So wrong it was ready.

That trim name with
It's dream of a bench
To rest on. Her sensible coat.

Doing nothing was the doing:
The clean glam of her gaze carved by a camera flash.

How she stood up
When they bent down to retrieve
Her purse. That courtesy.


Vic's POV

It was Saturday, October 14th; the day of the double date, and I couldn't be more nervous. The date was an October festival, pumpkin patches and whatnot. I loved everything about October, it was my favorite month, but this date was proving to simmer down my mood as Kellin and I got ready in my room.

Katherine and Dani would be meeting us over there since this had to be kept under wraps for Dani. Her parents didn't allow her to date so her cover was that she was hanging out with Katherine. 

"How do you feel?" Kellin asked. He smiled at me through the mirror and I looked him up and down, checking out his outfit. His jeans fit perfectly around his-

"Vic?" Kellin snapped.

I looked up at him, blushing. "Uh, sorry. I might just be freaking out a bit." I lied. Well sort of.

He put his hands on my shoulders and rubbed them softly. I bit my lip, feeling his warm chest against my back.

"You'll be fine, I promise. She's already attracted to you, all you gotta do is woo her now." Kellin spoke quietly. His breath fluttered against my ear and I found the space in my room getting smaller. I nodded, stepping away from him to sit on the bed.

"You're right, I should be fine." I smiled wearily. If only he knew the effect he had on me.

"Boys! Are you ready?!" My mom's voice rang in my ear, I cringed at how loud she had been.

"Yea!" I yelled back. I took a deep breath and walked downstairs with Kellin. We both had flannels on, 'cause you can never go wrong with a good flannel.

"Ah! My baby's going on a date!" My mom squealed. She pulled me into a hug and fixed the collar on my flannel, smiling at me like a proud mama bear. She was so happy that I had a date with a girl. How could I ever break that little heart of hers? This is why I had to do this. This was an important night.

"Okay, okay, we don't want to keep them waiting, ma." I groaned. Kellin laughed at me before hitting my shoulder.

"Race you to the car!" And with that, he took off running.

"You suck!" I laughed, I ran after him in a hurry.


There she was. Red hair reaching her waist, pale, freckled skin, a pair of lips that matched the fall leaves. She was stunning, really. I was lucky to be going on this date with her, so why couldn't I appreciate it more?

"Hi, Vic." Dani spoke, she smiled a sweet smile at me, a light blush rising to her pale cheeks. "I'm really glad you came. Um, I like your flannel."

I smiled at her, suddenly nervous. "Um, my flannel? Oh yea, it's pretty nice. It's not nearly as nice as your outfit though." I laughed out of nerves and scratched the back of my head awkwardly. She mumbled a small thanks and boldly took my hand in hers.

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