Special Education 2x07

Start from the beginning

"Thanks Rachel, I appreciate your help." Kurt says.

"Don't forget to-"

"I know, I have my audition so I have to go. Bye guys" Kurt waves us off.

I get back to the choir room with my plus one and I see Brittany dancing with a comb in her hand.

"Whatcha doing there?" I ask her.

"Artie gave it to me, it's his lucky comb so we don't mess up at Sectionals." She says confidently. I see Artie shake his head as if to say 'just leave it alone' so I say okay and head to the front of the classroom to continue the choreography.

"Looking great Jess" Mr. Schue pats me on the back and I can't help but smile, it means a lot coming from him especially.

It's time for Sectionals and everyone's freaking out backstage. Quinn's having flashbacks to last year when she went into labor, Rachel's mad that everyone knew about Finn and Santana except for her, Artie's mad at Brittany because he thinks she and Mike Chang are screwing around which Brittany says yes she is, which I don't think is true.

Next thing I know, Artie, Rachel, and Tina refuse to go on stage. Mr. Schue then reminds us of how we had no setlist last year and how bad it was and how this year is amazing compared to that.

We all decide to suck it up and practice the choreography one last time.

"Five, six, seven, eight" I clap as I watch the rest of our members dance the routine Mike, Brittany, and I created with a little help from Mr. Schuester.

I spot Brittany telling Artie that she just lost his comb and it seems they made up because she gave him a peck on the lips.

We go out on stage, backup for Sam and Quinn as they sing I've Had The Time of My Life from Dirty Dancing. I have to say the crowd roared when they started singing.

I couldn't help but smile as they did the double twist that me and Mike came up with, knowing our choreography was amazing. But now seeing it on the competition stage made it even more real.

We finish the opening number and Santana appears, clad in Winehouse style as her alter ego for the night. 

Brittany, Mike, and I dance upfront as Santana belts out Valerie. I just freaking love that song. Santana does such a great job singing it and honestly, I don't think anyone could've sang it better. I loved just being in the back with the background vocals, helping the team.

We wrap up as we get a standing O from the crowd.

Everyone runs off stage in laughter and smiles. Wishing it could last forever.

"You guys did amazing!" I hug Quinn and Sam, getting in the middle of my OTP.

"Thanks, your dancing was great" Quinn compliments me back.

"Yea, if we win, it'll be because of that double twirl thingy that you and Mike did for us" Sam adds.

"Sam, I'm also sorry that like things ended for us the way that they did. I just don't know what I want and I didn't want to put you through all that." I hold his arm and kiss his cheek and walk away.

We gather back onstage with the other two competitors waiting for our fate.

"In third place, we have" The announcer waits a second to build the tension. "THE HIPSTERS" 

"Next, in first place" The announcer opens the envelope, "Wow, looks like we have a tie for first, Dalton Academy and New Directions.. you're both going to Regionals!" 

Monday is almost as insane as it was the day Finn found out that Quinn cheated on him with Puck. 

"It cancels out right?" Rachel asks Finn in regards to how he had sex with Santana and didn't tell her and how she kissed Puck.

"No, it doesn't. We weren't together then. You cheated on my Rachel. Why do all my girlfriends cheat on me with my best friend!?" Finn asks then kicks over a chair, per usual.

Rachel plays with her hair as she pretends nothing just happened, but everyone just witnessed it.

"Ok," Mr. Schuester claps his hands together, "let's go on a little fieldtrip" He says.

We follow the leader to the auditorium stage.

"Rachel? Would you like to sing in honor of our tie at Sectionals?" Mr. Schue asks.

"No, I think that the unsung hero should lead us, Jessie?" She looks at me.

"Yea?" I ask, not really listening to what was going on.

"Will you sing for us?" Rachel asks holding my arm.

"Only if Mercedes and Tina can sing with me" I smile at my friends and put my arms out for them to greet me.

We sing Dog Days Are Over as Rachel is lost in her thoughts, tears streaming down her face.

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