What are you?

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He walked up to me and suddenly backed up and groaned in pain, I saw his eyes return to normal, his veins returning to normal and having his normal self back. He got up and checked to make sure he was himself and sighed in relief and helped me up.

"Beck..." Dad faded as he got me up and hugged me tightly, I hugged back and had my head on his shoulder. "I'm SO sorry that happened to you!" He apologized and I shook my head.

"I-It's ok." I told him and he sighed.

"No it ain't. I made you look at what I really am." He exclaimed and I looked at him confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked him and he sighed and rubbed his hair.

"Really wanna know?" He asked me and I nodded, he sighed and gestured me to sit beside him, I hesitated for a moment but he said it was fine now and I sat beside him. "I'm...not human." He started off and I tilted my head. "I'm immortal." He told me and I stood there in disbelief and shock.

"Immortal?" I repeated the word and he nodded.

"Yeah...basically I'm a vampire." He told me and I thought for a moment, is that why he was asking for my blood? "I know what I'm saying might make you think I'm insane but honestly, this is all real. I AM a vampire but please! Please don't be afraid of me!" He begged me not to be afraid of him and he covered my mouth to keep me from screaming, I looked at him with puppy eyes and thought why he kept this secret from me. I removed his hand and sighed.

"Why did you keep it though and is that the reason your tattoo was glowing?" I asked him and he looked at it and sighed.

"I kept it because I didn't want you hurt or scared of me but that happened so that's it and the tattoo, yes it is the reason why I acted like that. You see, this is no ordinary tattoo, I was born with it and once I got older, it gave me powers I never knew existed and I couldn't figure out how to use them so I just winged it and learned from trying." Dad told me showing his tattoo and looking at it. "I was only 16 when I finally learned how to use it, I hated it the first time to be honest but I gotten used to it and when I was 18, things changed for me. One night, I was studying and suddenly I felt this pain inside me and all of a sudden, I had red ferocious eyes, my veins popping out, had sharp front teeth and had a different look to me and I knew from that moment considering I had the glowing tattoo, I was a vampire and before you ask, no I don't sparkle and no I'm not a regular vampire, I'm actually a Pure blood." He told me

"If you're not a regular vampire and just a Pure blood then what are you?" I asked him.

"I won't be able to die or take permanent damage so the sun, swords or anything damage related won't hurt me. As long as I wear glasses and maybe a hat, I should be fine so no one knows what my true form is." He told me and I thought for a moment.

"Does this happen often? Is this the first time you've done this in like 20 years or such?" I asked him.

"First, no it doesn't and no it's not the first time. In 1974, I was forced to keep this inside me cuz of something that happened and would've showed who I really was."

"What happened?" 

"I was at this party and a pain just happened inside me and I started groaning and was almost revealed to everyone, thankfully, I fought the pain and it didn't happen until now. Though all those years of dating Sauli, getting you and starting a band, it's been happening a lot more recently. I even had to take like really strong stuff to keep my body and the pain from hurting and it didn't work at all so the only thing I did was fight it and it was tough, I couldn't control what was inside me and it took over me completely." Dad told me and looked down.

"How old are you in the immortal world then? If you're 32 in the real world, how old are you in the immortal world?" I asked him and he looked down.

"I was born in the immortal world in 1784, my dad was retiring from the wars that happened and my mother worked 2 jobs, worked as the mother and worked as a regular work lady. When I was a kid, in the immortal world, things are different cuz you have to be trained to be an immortal and I had to work hard to become an immortal and that's what I did, the next couple of days were great until I got noticed as a 'special' vampire, so, when I was being looked at in the doctor's room, they found out I was a Pure blood and I couldn't believe it. I read through what type of vampires were and I was one of the special ones cuz Pure bloods are extremely powerful and cannot be destroyed so that's when I found out I was different. When I was introduced in the real world in the late 80's and early 90's, I had to go to a regular school cuz even though I was 198 in the immortal world, I still had to be noticed as a teenager in the real world cuz they won't take the real me as serious or easily as you would expect it because the real world is different from my main world so you see how that works. In 2003, I met Sauli and shockingly, he too is a vampire but he ain't a Pure blood so it's shocking too how he didn't die in that car accident cuz vampires get killed easily when they're hit or damaged and you saw badly Sauli was when he was hit, he didn't die or anything so I'm glad that didn't happen."

(This is gonna be either a 2 part or a 3 part, Idk, depends on the story line but hope you enjoyed this little plot twist!)

Living my life as a Lambert {season 2}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ