Neither are you

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"Well, it's not my fault she's terrible at it." Brianna told dad and Tommy and I covered my face on Tommy's chest and let out some tears on his shirt, he rubbed my back to calm me down and shushed me to sleep.

"It's ok, Beck." Tommy softly said to me.

"Why do you have to be such a bitch towards Bekah?" I heard Kurt ask Brianna.

"I'm not, I'm just being honest."

"You're being a bitch, Brianna." I heard Anthony tell Brianna and heard her gasp.

"I'm not being a bitch, why would you think that, babe?" She asked Anthony.

"Maybe because Bekah gets the main attention and you don't, you could at least cut her some slack for a while, she didn't do anything wrong." Anthony told her and I calmed down a bit. 

"He is right, she is acting like she wants to be the main event." Tommy told dad about Brianna and heard Brianna scoff.

"Well then, you ain't no prize yourselves."

"Yeah, neither are you, honey. And you could cut some slack for all of us besides your boyfriend." 

"Yeah, like how you rudely cut off Adam while he was talking."

"And showing too much off of yourself just to make Bekah look bad considering she's the only girl."

"Oh what? It's not like she does the same!"

"It's cause she's only 16 and she's insecure about herself and you showing off yourself is nothing better for her, it just makes her more upset at herself."

"She does have some busting features though, as her cousin, I could say that at the least."

"When you're at our school, some of the boys look at her and pant heavily, it's a real classic and laughter for me and Gabs."

"W-what if she got surgery?" 

"How the HELL do you expect me to let my own daughter get surgery on her features when they come naturally unlike yours?" Dad asked Brianna in disgust.

"Mine are real, too!"

"That doesn't give you the right to want so much attention though." Anthony told her and us and dad scoffed in agreement and rubbed my back. I calmed down a bit and got my head off Tommy's chest and looked at him. He kissed my head and put me down for my next step, I stood up and stumbled as I got up.

"Whoa Beck! You ok?" Dad asked me gripping on my arm along with Tommy and Kurt.

"Y-yeah, head's just dizzy." I told them holding onto my head and getting lifted up by Tommy.

"Maybe she shouldn't be doing this."

"I-I'm fine, r-really." I stuttered and Tommy walked me inside. 

"Beck, you're not feeling good. Lay down on the couch until then." Dad told me and Tommy laid me down.

"Ugh, ok. But after I'm feeling better, I can practice again."

"That might not be a good idea." Kurt exclaimed as he sat down on the chair.

"Yeah, you don't wanna faint out from dizziness." Dad said to me and I sighed.

"I can't help it that I don't know how to tame my powers." I told him rubbing my head and he walked over to give me some water.

"It's cause you ain't use to it, your body doesn't know how to handle strong powers." 

"Can I at least learn how to control it?"

"Yes but it takes practice and a lot of it. If you wanna control it, you need help with it."

"Ugh, fine!" I said in defeat.

"Wait, Adam, did you say that her body can't handle strong powers?" Tommy asked dad and he nodded.

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, if her body can't control her new powers, she has a powerful spirit inside her." Tommy said crossing his arms.

"So, what are you saying?" Kurt asked Tommy confused.

"Beck, when you learned about your new power, did it cause you to fall on the floor and have fingerprints on it?" Tommy asked her and she thought for a moment.


"And what were the prints on the hole?"

"They were like Wolf scratches." I told him and he thought for a moment.

"Adam, your daughter may be turning into a Wolf" Tommy told dad and he looked at him.

"Into a what?"

"A wolf. Instead of a normal vampire, she used her powers for the first time and what came out was a Wolf scratch and your daughter may expericence being into an animal." Tommy told dad and I just stood there in shock.

"Don't wolfs and vampires hate each other?" I asked Tommy.

"Yes they do and some vampires will even try to kill them but with the bond you and your father have, it may be possible that you two won't fight or kill each other."

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