We're best friends

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In the main hall.

I put my books up and thought about a few things and noticed a stuffed dog appear on the side of my locker and had a confused look on my face and stared at it.

"Hello! My name is Ruff! I'm gonna be one of your friend's pet animal!" I heard a voice from behind my locker and was so confused.

"Nice to meet you, Ruff. I'm Bekah." I greeted myself awkwardly and shook the stuffed hand.

"Do you wanna know why my name is Ruff?"

"Why?" I asked and saw Kurt appear from behind, he looked like he's been crying!

"Cuz I've had a rough week." Kurt said having tears fall from his face heavily and I quickly hugged him and he hugged back tightly while crying on my shoulder. "I missed you so much!" Kurt told me and I started bawling on his shoulder.

"I missed you too! You were right, I was jealous! I was jealous you had a better relationship with Rachel then what we have! I'm so sorry I got upset and made us fight!" I told Kurt and he hugged me tightly.

"It's ok! I'm sorry I slapped you and taunted you by saying I was a better singer! I didn't mean any of it!" Kurt apologized and I rubbed his back gently.

"It's ok!" I told him and we hugged for a few minutes and looked at each other and smiled at each other.

"Does this mean we're friends again?" He asked me and I nodded.

"Yes sir, we are!" I said hugging him and he twirled me around and laughed as I flied around him.

"I hate fighting with you, it wasn't worth it at all."

"I know it wasn't a-and it was my fault entirely, I didn't mean to put half of the blame on you, I was just mad." I told him and looked down, he grabbed my chin and made me look at him and smiled at me.

"It wasn't entirely your fault. I, too, was the blame for it cuz I should've told you about Racehl coming here and that if I was ignoring you and Gabby, you should let me know but...I didn't tell you."

"So, I'm guessing this entire thing is our fault then?"

"Yeah hehe." Kurt said scratching his neck ashamed and I hugged him from behind. "I also didn't mean it when I called you a bad friend and when I called you out for being like Blaine, that was just my dark side calling those names out, I honestly never meant them at all."

"I know you didn't and I'm sorry I got so jealous at Rachel, I'll try and get along with her if you want me to." I told him and he nodded.

"I think she wants you to as well."

"Don't worry, I'll try and talk to her that way we can all be friends." I told him and he smiled, he gently pulled me in front of him and hugged me tightly, I hugged back and wiped my eyes.

"I'm just glad we ain't mad at each other no more, that was a pointless fight and we caused it to get worse." Kurt told me and I laughed.

"It was, wasn't it?"

"Yeah haha."

"I'm just happy I have my friend back." I told him and he gave me a confused look.

"Friend? We ain't friends." Kurt told me and I gave him a 'what' look.


"We're best friends." Kurt said holding my hands and I hugged him tightly.

(The pic here is the one where Kurt did the same thing with the Dog with Blaine so I thought this was perfect except they didn't fight hahaha)

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