I messed up

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"And if Rachel finds out then-"

"Then she'll hurt Bekah and...I didn't want that." He finished and I walked over to him and sat beside him.

"Look Kurt, as Bekah's father, I have to protect her from things like this and make sure she doesn't go through what she did back when she was kid. Bekah is my daughter and I love her very much but she's been through this enough times before." I told him and he sighed.

"I messed up, I honestly messed up but it's not my fault. Rachel wouldn't LET me tell Bekah cuz I'm scared she'll hurt her and I tried cutting it off with her but she wouldn't let me go, I'm like her trained dog and I want off the leash!" Kurt told me upset and hurt. "I should've just told Bekah right there but no! Rachel was in my mind and she was telling me if I do anything to tell Bekah about me knowing Rachel kissed Darren, she'll hurt Bekah and probably kill her. I did it for Rachel's sake." Kurt said looking down.

"Kurt, if Rachel doesn't like you or accept that you're friends with Bekah then there's no reason to hang out with her anymore if she's gonna act like this. You need someone like Bekah, someone you can trust and tell everything to." I told him and he thought about it.

"I'll tell both of them that my mind's all made up and tell them the truth." He told me and I nodded.

"Thank you because Bekah doesn't deserve all this." I told him and he nodded.

"I know and I need to tell her that, I promise, once I see her here or at school cause I know she's gonna hate me, I'm gonna tell her I knew about Rachel all along and sorry for what I've done." Kurt told me and I hugged him. 

"She'll understand, Kurt. I promise." I told him and he sighed and hugged back. "So besides all this, when did Bane get into your body?" I asked him and he sighed.

"Just a week ago, he just started controlling me when I was with Bekah. He likes vicitms who have B+." Kurt told me and we stopped hugging and I thought for a moment.

"B+?" I repeated the words and remembered something that happened this week.

"I wouldn't hurt you my little one but....your blood DOES smell pretty good, what blood type are you again? B+? That has to be my most FAVORITE blood type." I remembered when I was transformed into a vampire beast, that wasn't me back there...that was Blood Bane inside me. I heard Kurt snapping his fingers at me to get my attention and I looked at him. "I just remembered something."

"What was it?"

"That's what I said when I almost bit Bekah, Blood Bane...was inside me."

With Bekah.

Bekah's pov:I was lying in bed with Tommy and watched tv with him and heard a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I yelled to whoever and saw dad walk in.

"Hey." Dad greeted us and I walked up to him.

"Is he ok?" I asked him worried and he nodded. "Thank god, how was he?"

"He was perfectly fine, now injuries or anything. He's just lying in the bed in the lab taking a nap to rest up. How was Bekah's mark?" Dad asked Tommy and I looked at him as he walked by us.

"Her mark wasn't too serious either. It was bleeding a little bit but she'll be fine." He told dad and dad nodded.

"I'm glad. She looks better with the wrapped bandage." Dad said lifting my chin up to look at my neck and pat my head softly.

"So, what are we gonna do about Blood Bane?" Tommy asked dad and he thought for a moment.

"I have no plans at the moment nor have any ideas but I'm scared he's gonna make everyone else his slaves, we need to get something in our heads while we still have more time."

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