I should've believed you

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"T-tommy, I-I don't know. I'm still trying to heal from what you've done to me." I told him pulling my body back a bit.

"Beck, I told you I'm sorry. Why won't you accept it?"

"I do but I don't know if we should date then, I'm only 16!"

"If you're thinking I would hurt you, I wouldn't dare think of it and-"

"You wouldn't dare think of it? I just heard you were doing porn without me knowing and THAT didn't hurt me? Are you fucking deaf or something, Tommy?"

"I told you right away! I didn't hide it for very long! After that, I would never hurt you, not even in a million years!"

"Yeah right! You men are so uncaring sometimes, you only care for yourself and not the person you love!"

"We try Bekah, we try! You don't know how hard it is for us guys to try and please you women all the damn time!"

"That's cuz you guys ain't around all the time! When we girls try to make a romantic dinner date for you guys, you would either come home late with hickeys and scratches or make up a lie saying work got busy and skip the date, not caring that we worked our asses off for you guys for the night to show you we care for you!"

"You women are like that too!"

"Oh right, how?"

"You use us guys for dates and never call or say anything back the next day, leaving us men thinking we've been cheated on!"

"Maybe we had a really tough relationship or maybe we just got out of one, I don't know, but we're a lot better then you pigs are."

"Pigs? Pigs?! That is beyond sexist!"

"No it's not! It's true cuz you guys always use us for your sexual pleasure and get us into trouble, meaning leaving us with STD's or getting pregnant when we ain't ready."

"And who's fault is that, huh?"

"Yours! Your generation of men!"

"Wha-?! How is it our fault? Your the ones who asked for it!"

"It's your job to protect us from things like that, you idiot! You're suppose to talk to us about it instead of saying "let's get it on, sweetie!" Or something like that!"

"You girls come up to us and beg us for it and we have to force ourselves into doing that when we don't want to!"

"Exactly! You force yourself to fuck girls, especially young girls!"

"Get out!"


"Get out of my room! I'm sick and tired of hearing you complain about me and my boys like that!" Tommy yelled pushing me out.

"You know it's true!"

"Nu huh! Bye!" Tommy waved and slammed the door.

"Fine! Fuck you too!" I yelled and groaned and headed downstairs, I stomped on the steps and sat on the couch.

"I heard what happened, you guys fought?" Dad asked hearing my fight with Tommy, I nodded in response.

"Yeah...he started nibbling on my neck then he said 'maybe I should show you how I really feel' then I said I don't know, I'm still healing from what happened between us and we just got into this stupid fight about how men use girls and it just got outta control." I told dad and sighed.

"I heard something about that in there, did he hit you?"

"No, he kicked me out of his room though."

"I'm sorry sweetie, guys are like that." Dad comforted me and I hugged him tightly, he looked kinda shocked and hugged back. "What's this for?"

"I'm sorry daddy, I should've listened to you about Tommy but I didn't." I apologized upset, I felt him hugging back tightly and brought me closer to him.

"It's ok, Beck. I know how hard it's been for you, don't let it get to you. You were just hopelessly in love with Tommy that you didn't know what to do or what to expect but, I'm glad that you NOW know it was wrong to date a guy older then you."

"I should've believed you when you said it wasn't right, I'm so stupid!"

"No you're not, you just thought that what happens in Tv and Movies would happen in real life but I'm sorry Beck, it doesn't."

"I feel like an idiot."

"Well, don't, cuz I know you better then this and you do too. Don't let a guy like Tommy hurt you."

"I think after a few minutes, I'll go up and talk to him."

"Ok, call for me if you need me, ok?" Dad said with a little bit of worry in him, I nodded and laid my head on his stomach.

"I will, don't worry."

"When I hear you crying for help, I'll be there as fast as lightning cuz if that fucker hurts my baby, I'll kick his sorry ass." Dad said gritting his teeth.

"Don't worry, dad. I'll make sure to call for you."

"Good." Dad said with relief and kissed my head and rubbed my shoulders.

Living my life as a Lambert {season 2}Where stories live. Discover now