They are sure pissed at each other!

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Bekah's pov:We got done and glared at each other, my side of members were bent on the floor along with his members and gave a little smirk and turned our backs on each other and walked away.

"That was awesome, Beck!" Gabby told me and I smiled

"Thanks!" I told her and walked away from Kurt and everyone else, she followed me to the bathroom and sat on the counter.

"What are you gonna do about Kurt?"

"He's with Rachel, I'm done."

"What exactly happened in the closet and what was that all about in the cafe about Rachel liking him?"

"He just said she's missed him, that's why she's all clingy to him."

"That doesn't make sense!"

"I know! And I told him that is the reason why he's ignoring us is because of Rachel THEN moments later, I get slapped." I said pointing at my print and touched it. "Ow. Do you have any-"

"Makeup? Yeah, here." Gabby finished and grabbed some skin colored makeup and lend it to me. "Here you go."

"Thanks." I said covering up my cheek and sighed.

"What's wrong?"

"Just Kurt and the fight we had."

"Don't worry Beck, it'll be ok."

In Music class (just wait, it gets more bizarre between these two)

Gabby and I walked into Music class and took our seats.

"Oh thank god! He ain't here!" I said to myself in relief.

"Then you better leave cuz he's here." I heard a guy voice say and groaned.

"Why are you in every class I'm in?!" I yelled at him and he smirked.

"If you don't like it, leave. It's that easy, just walk out THAT door and go, I'm sure you'll get in trouble." Kurt said smiling.

"You are a bitch!"

"Thank you, so are you."

"Ugh! I hate you!" I yelled at him.

"Hey, at least I'm not a bragging bitch." Kurt responded and I dropped my bag and he did the same, Gabby came between us and put her hands on our chest.

"Guys, let's not get carried away please." Gabby told us and I just stared at Kurt as he stared at me.

"You're a bitch." Kurt told me.

"You're a pig." I told him.

"At least I'm a healthy pig." Kurt told me and I charged at him but got stopped by Gabby.

"Bekah no! It's not worth it!" Gabby told me and I thought for a moment, Kurt gave me a 'come at me.' Motion and smirked, I growled and went to my seat, I noticed him glaring at me and I glared back, I gave a little growl and he growled back.

"So, how's everyone doing?" The teacher asked us and we replied with smiles and responses.

"Oh, I was great until this noon." Kurt put in and I groaned.

'Here we go.' I thought to myself and sighed.

"Why? What happened, Kurt?"

"Well, I had a fight with my friend, if that's what you wanna call it." Kurt said declaring me, I groaned and crossed my arms.

"Did someone get mad over something?"

"Well, I rather not say but let's just say she got jealous and got mad at me after telling me it was ok to hang out with old pals." Kurt told him getting closer to me, I looked at him and glared at him.

"Oh right, like it's ok to ignore the people who helped you through out the past." I told him, he gave me a look and scoffed.

"Well then, I'll have you know that my REAL friends don't get jealous of my best friends and if we hang out with them much more then our new friends." Kurt told me and I became mad.

"Ok guys, let's-"

"Are you saying that I get jealous too easily?"

"Oh no! I'm just saying that some people should have a freaking heart and soul and have some trust in their friend's friends."

"That doesn't make any sense!"

"You don't make sense!" Kurt yelled at me, I let out a little giggle and looked at our teacher.

"Hang on for one second." I said to the teacher and growled loudly and attacked Kurt, Kurt and I fell on the ground and started attacking each other. I tried hitting him but he pushed my arms to me and tried getting up.

"Guys! Guys! Let's not fight! This is music class, not martial arts class!" The teacher told us trying to get us out along with Rachel and Gabby, I scratched Kurt and got pushed by him, I groaned as I hit the wall and noticed him running to me and attacking me, I gripped on his arms and tried pushing him away but he stood his ground and fought back, we began wrestling each other like MMA fighters and got off each other and screamed at each other, causing everyone to jump.

"Wow! They are sure pissed at each other!" Gabby said to the teacher and Rachel, Kurt and I slowly walked around each other and scanned each other, we were like cats again at this point.

(Do you guys want a few more songs in here? Like have one solo song for someone and a duet thing too or is that too much? I feel like I'm making this into Glee cuz of how Kurt and Bekah are, it kinda reminds me of Rachel and Santana when they were pissed at each other hahaha but let me know if you want more singing or not and also too, leave me some song suggestions for both Kurt and Bekah and some for Kurt and Rachel and Gabby and Bekah cuz I'm gonna do like a few duets and all, love you guys, bye!)

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