Please don't make me do this.

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With Bekah.

Bekah's pov:Dad and I went to a private area in the woods to train and saw dad use some power on me as we got there.

"You have a power inside you, you just need to release it." He told me and I looked at him shocked.

"W-what kind of power?"

"I don't know but just focus on using it, don't overwhelm it too much or you'll get tired for our next step." Dad explained to me and I gulped silently, nervous as hell! But nodded in agreement and focused on the tree, I took a deep breath and used my hands to use my power and focused deeply on it, nothing happened or appeared.

"Nothing's happening." I exclaimed as I stood there trying to get it to work.

"Just try again. Maybe you're not focusing enough." He told me and I nodded and tried again, nothing happened yet again.

"It's not working..." I exclaimed now putting my hands down and saw dad walking towards me and saw him using his hands to make magic appear from him and saw lighting from his palm and stood there stunned.

"Now wait, if I can do it, why can't she? She has a power inside her and she's trying really hard." Dad asked him quietly and I was about to freak out.

"I CAN'T DO IT! I'M SORRY I FAILED YOU, DADDY! I TRIED, I HONESTLY DID!" I wailed out at him saying sorry while he was talking to himself.

"You didn't fail me, my dear." Dad said to me. "You just need to practice on your skills more, not every vampire member gets it right on the first try." He told me and used his powers to look inside me, I saw on top of his hand something glowing and saw my hand glow and jumped as I saw it. What was this trickery, Zelda!? Was I Zelda and he was Link!? It wasn't a triforce though, it was a sword tattoo glowing. "Use your powers now." He told me and I used my powers and jumped backwards as something came out of my hand and I landed on the ground. Dad bent down to help me up and rubbed my back. "You ok, Beck?" He asked me and I nodded rubbing my head.

"Ugh. Yeah." I said to him getting up and saw what I did with my powers. "Was that me who did that?" I asked looking at the giant hole in the tree.

"Yeah, I'm shocked too. My girl has some strong powers inside her, I'm so proud of you." He told me proud of me and looked at the hole.

"Does that mean I'm gonna turn into a vampire?" I asked him and he thought for a moment.

"Well, you don't have fangs or pale skin but you do have power in you. Some members just have powers, they're not really vampires, just humans with powers inside them." He told me and I looked at my hands while he stared at the tree. "Wait till everyone sees this."

"I'm gonna show everyone my powers!? But what if they all think I'm too powerful to hang out with them or if I'm like a monster!?" I panicked at dad and saw him calming me down.

"Beck, you're getting too crazy. They won't think you're a monster or that you're too powerful to hang with them, it'll be ok."

"But-" I got cut off as dad dragged me back to the house. "Wait daddy! I'm not ready!" I warned him trying to get off his grip and he shook his head.

"Nonsense, come on, let's show everyone."

Back at the house.

"Daddy! I don't wanna do this, please don't humiliate me like this!" I shouted at him nervous and scared but he didn't listen, I wasn't crying or anything, just fucking scared! "Why ain't you listening to me?! Answer me, damn it!" I yelled at him as we got there and he placed me on the middle of the tree in front of everyone.

"Now then, you will begin showing everyone what you learned." Dad told me. "I'll be right here in case you run away." He told me and I looked at him with puppy eyes.

"Please don't make me do this." I begged him while looking at him and heard Kurt, Anthony and Tommy laughing and awed as they saw me.

"She's so cute when she begs like that!" I heard Tommy say and Kurt and Anthony laughing as they saw me.

"I'm making you do this, come on before it gets dark." He told me and I moped in anger, disappointment and annoyance, I wanted out! When dad wasn't looking, I quickly hid behind a tree in fear and whimpered as I got there nervous and scared. "Bekah? What are you doing?" Dad asked me as everyone else looked for me.

"I don't wanna do this! I'm scared I'm gonna be made fun of if I do this!" I told him and felt Tommy picking me up and making me cuddle in his chest. 

"Beck, we won't make fun of you. Just show us." Tommy told me and I nervously put my hand up and eyed on the tree and saw lighting coming out and hugged Tommy as I was about to fall and shook on him, dad checked out the hole on the tree and smirked.

"Beck did it again, she's getting a bit better." Dad told everyone and everyone looked in shock.

"Jesus christ, the girl can do that!?" I heard Anthony ask dad and he laughed in surprise. "Well now, that's something new and exciting."

"Exciting? Who knows if she purposely hurts someone and kills them?" Brianna asked him and I covered my head on Tommy's chest in disappointment, he rubbed my back and saw him glare at Brianna.

"Brianna, Bekah is still new to this and it's not fair for you to say stuff like that when she's doing something new, she'll be trained to not use that in time but she may even know that now." Tommy told Brianna covering for me.

"I'm just being honest!" 

"You're not supporting her though, you're only making her feel bad and nervous for next time." Dad told her rubbing my back to calm me down.

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