Adam's teen back story

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"That asshole fucker messes with me, I hate him!"

"That was impressive! Where did you learn those moves from?"

"I was in a gang when I was 18, the smashers."

"That was you?"

"Yeah! I was the guy with black hair and the Uzis in my hands." Dad told me.

"So I'm basically living with an ex-gang criminal?" I said joking and jumped in the front seat.

"Well, I wouldn't say THAT! It was just stupid teen things."

"What kind of things did you do? Tell me, tell me, tell me!!" I begged him with excitement and smiling.

"It was all in the past, Beck! I-I'm not sure you would be interested in it."

"Daddy, I play violent games, isn't that an example on things?"

"I guess you're right. Well, my friends and I were 14 when we ganged up and we've done some PREEETY intense and stupid things." Dad started off.


(Voice-over:When we started out, we just took it slow by slow, we even promised to each other that we can someday call all the gang members at that time but it never happened. The first thing we did was get guns and how did we do that? By going into Fire Guns, a gun shop, and steal them without no one knowing. My buddies were Fierce, Brody, Pierce and Killer, my name was Fury and we were pretty badass, wasn't too shabby for a teen gang. Fierce was a tough teen, hardly anything scared him. Brody was not too bad of a member, always obeyed and never stood down. Pierce was the dim-witted guy pretty much, every plan of his sounded great but once we did it, we almost got killed...a lot and Killer was a fucking badass, he was like Fierce but liked to take things to the extreme, something Fierce could never learn and then there was me, Fury. I wasn't too bad of a member either but I was pretty sassy, dramatic and everything I was and still am, nothing could've harmed me)

"C'mon guys! It'll be fun!" Fury told them.

"Won't we get caught?" Brody asked kinda scared and playing with his fingers.

"Dude, we won't get caught unless we do poorly and we ain't doing that shit!" Fierce said to him and thought about what we could do.

"How do you know? They could have guards there protecting the shop!" Pierce yelled at us and Fierce slapped him hard.

"It's a gun shop, you idiot! Not a fancy store!" Fierce yelled at him.

"Besides, we could just make a distraction, like this." Fury told them and shot up in the sky a few blocks away. "Everyone!! Someone shot a person!!" Fury yelled at everyone.

"They ain't dumb, you fool!" Fierce yelled at him and everyone ran to that direction, Fury smirked and saw everyone run, including the shop employees. "Maybe so." Fierce said and ran with the gang.

(Voice-over:After I made THAT incident, we quickly headed inside and grabbed every weapon they had and put it in our bag, we also grabbed the money from the register too but that was it, we quickly hurried out and ran to the car and drove off.)


" that it?" I asked him and he shook his head.

"The intense part is coming up."

{Voice-over:After we grabbed our weapons, we loaded what we needed for next battle and got ready. We were out to defeat our rival gang, Bulldogs. They were mean but we were meaner, when we got our weapons, the tv turned on and it showed that Fire Guns was robbed.}

"News were reported today that a local gun shop was robbed, the store was fully packed with shotguns, regular guns and more but it became empty the next time they went back inside. The story of how we think went is that someone shot a gun fire earlier today and stole over $10'000 worth of guns." The news lady said.

"Ha! We made it to the tv, boys! Everyone doesn't know that it was us who stole it!" Fierce said giving them high fives.

"What if we get caught? I mean, what if like the cameras or something got our shot?"

"Dude, the cameras were old and dusty there. I heard that a girl grabbed money and the camera wasn't on."

"I'm just worried that we'll get caught."

"Don't be such a wimp, Fury!"

"I'm not a wimp!"

"Yes you are and you know it!"

"This gang could get caught soon if we ain't careful!"

"Wimpy wimpy wimpy!" Fierce taunted him, Fury growled and throw him across the room.

"At least I'm more then a man then you." Fury told him going upstairs, Fierce groaned and got up.

"That fucker!"

"Fierce, Fury is right! We need to be careful and serious about this, if we don't look out for cops who are after us then we're dead." Killer told him and Fierce stood up.

"You imbecile! Do you honestly think we're THAT weak and stupid?!"

"We're only 14!! We can't do this alone or un-armed, we need to think of plans and get good quality weapons!" Killer told them and Fierce thought about it, he sighed and looked at them. "Pity won't get us anywhere but we can at least try and do this without getting hurt or damaged."

"Hmm, I guess you're right. But what can we do to make us stronger?"

"Get better weapons, armor and train ourselves." Fury said to them walking back to them. "We can't sit around and let Bulldogs and the other gangs win, if we don't fight, we don't win and if we ain't prepared, we can't do this. Like Killer said, Pity won't help anything but we need to try."

"Fury, when did you become the leader of this gang? I thought your mommy said you couldn't be a leader." Fierce asked him in an harsh tone, Fury walked up to him and smirked.

"Back when your mommy and daddy gave up on ya and slapped you down, fucker." Fury harshly said back and patted his back, leaving Fierce in defeat. He eyed his attention on everyone and grabbed his sword. "We're gonna take a break for a while so we can train and become strong, even though we just started, we need to make it through WHILE we're strong cuz if we get hurt, we're nothing but cowards. But I know we can do this and I promise you, we'll make this city ours!" Fury told them and smirked, the guys cheered and had a few beers.

{Voice-over:So after I made that promise, I didn't give up, I didn't give up on my crew, my destiny and my life. I knew I was basically throwing my life away and basically putting it on the edge but, this was something I wanted to do}


"Holy shit..." I said speechless and saw dad laugh.

"I would tell you more but we're almost there, I'll tell you more when you come home. Do you guys have school today?"

"No, the school's doing something and we can't be there to see it so there's that."

"Well, Gabby and Kurt will drive you home, right?"

"Yeah, I'm gonna stay here for a few hours and come home, I'll let you know when I leave."

"Ok." Dad said hugging me tightly, I hugged back and laid on him. "Don't do the things I did, I don't want you to risk your life like I did."

"I won't, dad." I told him and he rubbed my back and kissed my head, I smiled and grabbed my bag and left. I waved at him and went inside.

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