Was last night ok?

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Next morning.

Bekah's pov:Friday, yay!! My favorite day of the week! No school for 2 days, so pumped! I wonder what happened last night, after dad took me to my room, I heard him talking in his room, who was he talking to? Sauli? Tommy? Was he talking on the phone? I don't know, I just hope dad's ok. I stopped worrying and got dressed and went downstairs and saw dad, he looked better and slept good probably, he saw me and smiled at me and I smiled back.

"You look better. Was last night ok?"

"Yeah, if you heard me, I was just talking to myself. No big deal." Dad told me and I smiled and nodded, his tattoo looked better and so do his cuts. I sat down on the chair and looked through my phone while waiting for food, after a while, the food got done and dad served it to me and I saw a bit of red stuff on his cheek. 

"Um dad, you got something on your face." I told him and he got it off with his finger and licked it.

"Thanks Beck, it must've been from cooking." He told me and I just stood there stunned, I hope that wasn't blood he just licked cuz I don't see anything red on anything. I heard Tommy walking down and smiled as he walked down.

"Hey Beck." Tommy greeted me and I smiled.

"Hey cuteness." I greeted back and kissed him and he kissed back, he hugged me and I hugged back.

Adam's pov:I saw Tommy looking at me and giving me the stare, I stared back and nodded.

"Don't let Bekah find out." I heard Tommy in my mind and I closed my eyes as he told me.

"I promise, I'll try my best not to let her know. She doesn't need to know or else she'll get hurt. The spirit came in my room last night and told me I had short time till my form appears." I told him and he sighed in my mind and stopped hugging Bekah in reality and she ate her food.

"Did she say how much time you had?" 

"No, she just said I had short time till then and if Bekah finds out my true form, that spirit is gonna hurt her and make me hurt my baby." I told him and he sighed.

"I don't want Bekah hurt." 

"Neither do I but let's just keep it on the DL and we'll be fine, the spirit also said that she wants me to attack Sauli also."

"What? You ain't gonna do that...are you?" Tommy asked me and I shook my head in my mind.

"I would never do such a thing! I wouldn't do the same with Bekah, I love them too much!" I told him and he sighed.

"I don't want our babes hurt."

"I know and neither do I but let's just keep this to ourselves and we'll be fine."

"But what happens if your form comes in? You can't control your true form or stop it!"

"I'll have to figure something out, talk to Bekah so she won't know anything."

"Kay." He said and he nodded and talked to Bekah while I cleaned up to distract her, I cleaned the kitchen and put everything up, Bekah was almost done with her food and put the plate on the sink when she got done. She got up and got her backpack and made sure she had everything ready, I felt my tattoo glowing and held it tightly as it started to hurt. 

"Oh, did I forget to tell you? Whenever I give you pain on your sword tattoo, it means that I'm pressuring you to tell Bekah about your tattoo and what's gonna happen so see? I DO care for her safety too but I'm just waiting for the show to begin and when it does, I wanna see it." I heard the voice tell me and I groaned softly as it told me that.

"NEVER!" I told the voice in my mind and heard it laugh as I broke my silence on it.

"You know Adam, I'm just being nice."

"No you ain't, you want my daughter hurt, don't you?" I hissed at it and it shook it's head.

"Oh Addy, that was a mistake to say." It told me and gave me pain, I groaned as it hit me causing both Bekah and Tommy to run at me and help me.

"Daddy! Oh no, not again!" I heard Bekah yell in worry.

"Your daughter is here, Addy. Tell her right now and I'll stop." The spirit told me and I groaned in anger and shook my head.

"No! I will not hurt her!" I told it and it thought for a moment.

"Hmm, ok then, I'll have to do this then." It started off throwing me on the wall, breaking my back and spine, Bekah and Tommy stood stunned and saw how hurt I was by just one throw, the spirit threw me down and made the floor crack as I fell. Bekah ran to me but had an invisible wall put around me so she wouldn't get in and hug me, I tried getting up but felt my body feeling numb and got back on the floor. 

"What's she doing to you?!" I heard Tommy ask me and I grunted.

"She's forcing me to tell Bekah about me or else she'll hurt me which what she's doing." I told him trying to get up but couldn't, I saw Tommy getting a weapon from the closet and eyeing the spirit so he can hit her, yeah, he can see her too if you didn't know. 

"Tommy, what are you doing with that weapon?" I heard Bekah ask him and he showed her, he threw the sword in the sky and saw it hit the spirit, she yelled as she got hit and landed on the floor. Tommy covered Bekah's body with his and eyed the spirit as she got hit.

"You-you-you MORON!!" The spirit yelled at Tommy as she got hit and tried getting up, Bekah couldn't see her besides Tommy and I so she was ok for now. 

"How about you stop torturing Adam and we'll let you go?" Tommy asked her and she laughed.

"You pitiful traitors think you can disobey your master like that? I'm here to protect you from what's gonna happen towards Adam and this is how you repay me?"

"Stop torturing Adam to get him to tell Bekah about himself, it's not fair to him."

"I'm not doing this to be mean, I'm trying to tell Adam that he needs Rebekah to know about his true form, that way, she'll be ready." The spirit told us and we looked at each other in disbelief.

"Yeah right."

"I swear!"

Look, even if the form happens to Adam, I'm here to protect Bekah. I think you forgot me." 

"I would never, Thomas but you're not strong enough to handle Adam. Even if you try your hardest to protect Bekah, it's not gonna work."

"Well, I'll make it work!" Tommy told her and she sighed and stopped the pain.

"I'll be here later on to see how Adam is doing, if he's not better then I'm gonna have to transform him myself." The spirit said leaving and removing the wall and Bekah quickly ran to me.

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