You saw that?

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"Hahaha maybe she is!" I said to him and we laughed hard.

"I better head back to class, I told the teacher I had to use the bathroom but actually I saw you and Bekah running down the hall and thought I would talk to you about this."

"Oh, you saw that?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Yeah, she must've made you pissed." Darren said laughing and I laughed along.

"She did."

"Well, I better head back. See ya later Kurt." Darren said rubbing my arm and smiling at me and left. I just stood there admiring the moment and smiled. 

"Yay!!" I said to myself and ran to class.

In class.

Bekah's pov:I walked in class and the teacher was already there writing on the chalkboard, he looked at me and crossed his arms.

"Miss Lambert, where have you been? Class started 10 minutes ago and you missed the announcement for this week's paper." The teacher told me and I sighed.

"I'm sorry, Mr Ben. I had a fight with my friend and we kinda had a fight in here and chased each other around the school." I explained to him.

"Her friend is Kurt Hummel, this is their second fight they've had." One of the classmates told him and he looked at me.

"Oh yeah, you two. I've heard you guys have been causing trouble at this school, if anything was damaged while y'all were running, you two are gonna have to pay. The school grounds is NOT a jungle gym and it's NOT the place to be running around everywhere." The teacher strictly told me and I nodded.

"I'm sorry sir, it won't happen again."

"Kay. Since you've learned your lesson, I won't give you detention." 

"Thank you sir!" I thanked him and sat down, some of the classmates looked at me and gave me a 'did anything happen?' or 'what happened out there?' look, I ignored them and sat down. As I sat down, I heard someone walk in and saw who it was.

"Sorry I'm late sir!"

"It's ok, Kurt. Mr's Lambert explained what happened so I won't give out detention." The teacher told Kurt and he nodded.

"Thank you sir! It won't happen again!" Kurt told the teacher and sat down, he looked at me and gave me a glare while he sat down beside me. After everyone settled down, class started.


Class ended and we all got out and I left to go to my locker to see Gabby, as I walked, I heard someone behind me and looked to see who it was. Why was Kurt following me? I ignored him and saw Gabby by her locker and walked to her, the footsteps stopped and I didn't hear them anymore and walked to Gabby.

"Hey Gabs."

"Oh, hey Beck. I heard that you and Kurt had a big chase around the school." Gabby started off and I blushed.

"You heard or saw us?"

"Yeah, it was really funny watching you guys run hehe." Gabby chuckled and I had my hands on my hips. "Sorry but anyway, did you guys fight in the room?" 

"Yeah and guess what Kurt did?"


"When I got on his back to protect myself from his hits, he threw me down on the ground and dragged me to the door. It was like he wanted to kill me!" I told her and she gave me a 'excuse me?'

"I'm sorry, did I hear that right?" She asked me and I nodded.

"But I got off his grip and ran around the room trying to avoid him but he was there on every corner so I had to secretly crawl my way out and that's when we started running around the school." I explained to her and she just stood there in amusement and was stunned.

" It was like he was trying to kill you." She told me and I shivered.

"I was honestly so scared for my life! I've never been that scared cuz if I stopped, he would've caught up to me, I was so scared he was gonna do something to me! I've never been that fucking scared in my life, I mean, I would have dreams about being chased but I never pictured it in real life! I thought it would never happen to me!" I told her and she told me to breath cuz I was loosing it.

"Calm down, calm down! Don't get so worked up on this!" Gabby told me holding my hands and telling me to breath, I inhaled and exhaled slowly and got myself together. "Good girl."

"I'm still scared he's gonna do something evil to me, I mean, I think I pissed him off for sure." I told her and I panicked.

Living my life as a Lambert {season 2}Where stories live. Discover now