Shopping for clothes and a shocking entrance by 2 lovers

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Adam's pov:Bekah left with her car and it was just Sauli and I.

"Ok, that was just pathetic!" Sauli shouted at me.

"Oh what? Her going out and doing errands is pathetic?"

"No, giving her the annoyance look, asking her if she had plans and bribing her with $100 and suggesting she goes to a fancy clothing store is pathetic."

"She needs the clothes!"

"Mmm hmm or maybe you're too chicken to tell her that her father got jelly of me seeing one of my old friends from collage."

"He was gonna do something if I wasn't there, babe! Honestly!"

"Adam is jealous! Adam is jealous!" Sauli mocked me and sang at me, I pouted and crossed my arms.

"I am most certainly not! I so much for you that I was scared I'd lose you, you don't know how hard it is to trust your boyfriend's friend and not knowing what that guy will do to you. I don't know if he tried to Harass you or not, it worries me."

"Oh Addy, you know that if I ever get harassed or raped, I'll call you for help."

"It doesn't always work though, guys like those perverts will try and hurt you and take your phone or anything phone related away from you and try and hurt you and I might not know if it'll happen, that's why I was so upset when you went missing from those drunk perverts, I thought you cheated on me." I said getting chocked up and sat down, Sauli sat beside me and hugged me tightly.

"Oh Addy, that was 10 years ago, I was going through some things but you know I never meant it. I would NEVER cheat on you on purpose and you know I will ALWAYS be careful of guys like that, if someone attacks me like that then I'll look for someone or hide safely and call the police." Sauli told me still hugging me in his arms, I hugged back and some tears slipped out.

"I just worry so much about you, after the car accident and the impact on it, I thought I would never see you again, it had me worried sick and left me crying for days. I couldn't even go back to work without thinking of you sitting on the seat and smiling at me." I told Sauli and heard him chuckle.

"That's all in the past, Adam. This is the future and we make the future our own, we make it how we WANT it to go."

"You're right. I'm sorry I get so overprotective about you."

"Don't be, I think it's sexy when a guy gets protective like that." Sauli smirked and I looked at him, I gave him a smirk and saw him smiling like a goof.

"It gets kinda annoying sometimes, Bekah's like that when I get that way with her."

"Well, you two ain't in a relationship like we are."

"True hehe."

"I say though, this couch seems kinda high. Don't ya think?" Sauli said seductively and smiled sexy at me, I smirked and licked my lips.

"Yes. Yes it does, that's a problem we need to fix, my babe." I said scooting over to him and felt him nibbling on my neck, I tilted my head back and let him explore my neck more, his hand landed on my crotch and rubbed against my pants. I moaned softly as I felt him stroking it and playing with it, he went up to my chin and kissed me gently, I kissed him back and laid my hands on his cheeks, I slid my tongue in a surprise attack and wrestled his tongue. I heard him moaning as we kissed and wrapped his leg around me, I let him go to let him breath for a minute and saw him panting a little, I chucked and caressed his cheek.

"You ok?"

"Y-yeah but I'm not done yet."

"You better not be." I said smiling and kissed Sauli.

With Bekah.

Bekah's pov:I went inside the mall and walked into Diamond Lovers and went inside, I searched for classic things and tried a few on, I found a smokey Purple dress with real Diamond studs in it and tried it on.

"This could be perfect for a dance for school." I said to myself checking myself out and all, I checked the price and saw it was around $80 but I had enough to buy some fancy shoes, I went to the shoe aisle and picked out a few cute heels to wear with my dress. There were Gold, studded high heels and they looked cute and perfect, I grabbed them and tried them on with my dress. They look amazing on me.

"Now THIS is perfect!" I said to myself and checked the pricing on the shoes, $20, that ain't bad. It's actually enough for what dad have me! I went to the counter and bought them, it was around $100 like what dad gave me and I bought them and left the store. I drove back home and exited out the car with my things, I turned the doorknob but it was locked for some reason.

"What the hell?..." I said to myself confused and unlocked it with a spare key I had in my pocket, I unlocked it and went inside. As I walked in, I saw two naked guys on the couch kissing and fucking.

"DAD!!! SAULI!!!" I yelled shocked and heard them get up quickly and cover themselves.

"HONEY!! What are you doing home so early?" Dad asked kinda annoyed and embarrassed, I just stood in shock and digestion.

"I just went to Diamond Lovers and when I walked in, the door was locked and I just happen to come here not caring."

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