Do you two wanna know something?

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I let some tears fall off heavily as I hugged him and felt his hands rest on my waist.

"I love you so much!" I said to him and he sniffed as he was crying.

"I love you so much too, Beck!" Kurt replied and we stood there for a few seconds and got off, I finished putting everything in my locker and shut it and walked with Kurt by my side as we had each other's arms around each other like what he and Rachel did.

"Is Ruff really the name of your dog?" I asked him and he laughed.

"No, I just did that cuz I just needed to make things better between us." Kurt told me and I hugged him.

"Thanks Kurt. Oh! Gabby's in the nurse's office!"

"What? What happened, is she hurt?"

"She has a stomach problem."

"Let's go then!" Kurt said running to the office with me, we got there and saw Gabby talking to a doctor and telling her something, I told Kurt to wait outside to surprise her and I knocked on the door and the lady let me in.

"Is she in the mood to see me?" I asked the lady and she nodded.

"Yes. I found out she doesn't have anything contagious nor will throw up but she will have to go to the bathroom though but other then that, she can see her friends and family and they won't catch it. I think something was bad in the cafe and she might've ate it and it caused her to be like this, lately, the food in the cafe has been very poisonous lately and we don't know why but I gave her some stomach medicine to help her calm down." The nurse told me and I was relived and happy.

"Thank god! Has a lot of kids came in here with the stomach bug?" I told her and she nodded.

"Just a few though, the others probably didn't catch it or they might've caught it when they were home."

"Is she gonna have to stay here all night?"

"By her condition, I think that may be a yes. Just until tomorrow morning though then I think she'll be fine, I called her parents to let them know she's sick and they recommended her staying here for the night just to be safe." The nurse told me and I smiled and nodded.

"Thanks nurse." I told her and she left smiling, I walked to Gabby and saw her still sick as she was last time. "Hey Gabs." I greeted and she smiled.

"You're back."

"Of course I am, that's what friends are for. The nurse told me you got stomach poisonous, at least you don't have nothing worse."

"Yeah, she told me before you guys came in here and I'm glad too cuz I would have to have a big bucket and stay in the bathroom." She told me and laughed softly, I laughed and rubbed her shoulder.

"Gabby, I have someone here who wants to see you."

"Who?" She asked and I smiled.

"Come on out!" I yelled letting Kurt know and he walked in smiling, Gabby smiled widely and Kurt ran straight in.

"Hey Kurt!" Gabby squealed and hugged him, he hugged back and rubbed her back.

"How you doing, Gabs?"

"I'm doing great! And how are you and Bekah?" Gabby asked us and Kurt and I put our arms around each other's waists.

"Let's just say...nothing will break us and it was a stupid fight." Kurt told her and I giggled knowing we won't break up.

"AWWW!!! You guys made up!?" Gabby asked in joy and harmony and we nodded, she sqeauled and clapped her hands. "Oh! This is so cute and amazing! You two are friends again!" Gabby said hugging us and we laughed.

"I'm so glad we are! I'll try and be friends with Rachel and I'll also not ruin your friendship with her considering she was your first friend." I told him.

"Do you two wanna know something?" Kurt asked and we looked at him in confusion but nodded. "I hated her when we first met, it wasn't till next year we became friends, she was so full of herself and she didn't care about anyone but herself and her boyfriend." Kurt told us and we tried not laughing at the fact about Rachel, even he tried not to laugh.

"Was still full of herself? How about now?"

"Now now girls, she's changed but she can be a little diva at times."

"Let me challenge her to a diva off, I come from a divaish family." I said snapping my fingers and flipped my hair back.

"I think Bekah can beat Rachel cuz she has sass and class." Gabby said snapping her fingers and laughed, she was feeling a lot better! Kurt and I laughed and thought of it.

"Sounds good but I think we should let the two get along."

"And also too, when I told her about Blaine hitting me, she didn't care! That's why I like Bekah and you more, cuz you guys came to help me when no one else did." Kurt told us and we awed and hugged him.

"We'll always help, Kurt. We love you."

"I'll love y'all too."

"Oh this is just adorbs! I'm so glad Kurt and Bekah are back together!" Gabby said hugging us and we laughed.

"It's good to be back."

Living my life as a Lambert {season 2}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें