Who is this person?

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Kurt smiled and nodded.

"Thank you so much, sir! I promise I'll get a job and make money!"

"Kay, as long as they're ain't no problem then we're good. Just until you have enough to stay at a place, right?"

"Right! That's it!"

"Kay, I need to burn Blaine's body, I'll be back." Dad said leaving us.

"Eeeppp this is so exciting!!!"

"I know!!!" Kurt yelled in excitement and hugged me, I'm so glad he's not gonna be alone anymore!

"So, you guys excited to be roomies?" Brandi asked excited for us.

"Yes! This is gonna be so much fun!"

"I can't wait!"

After they get out.

Dad, Brandi, Kurt and I walked out of the house and went back to our cars, we talked for a bit and headed out, Brandi said bye and drove off and we got in our car with Kurt. As I was getting in, I heard a whistling sound coming from the sky and it landed front of my feet.

"Huh?" I said to myself and picked it up, it was a plastic bottle with a note in it, I opened the bottle and got in the car while reading the note.

"What's that?" Dad asked looking at me.

"I-I-I don't know, it just fell from the sky." I told them and read the note. "It's half written though."

"Maybe the person who wrote it didn't have enough ink for the pencil or pen they use to write it with."

"Probably but, I don't understand who wrote it."

"Well, read what they said in there." Dad said wondering and I nodded.

"Dear friends, the life I lived is now history and I'm now enjoying the life up here without harm bothering me, I know this may seem weird and confusing to y'all but I just want y'all to know I'm ok and safe up here. Since I've joined the dead musicians part up here, it's been seriously fun and amazing! I got to see my old pals again and most importantly-" The note ended off and I stopped reading, I put the note up and rubbed my head.

"That's seriously creepy and weird, who is that?" Kurt asked creeped out and confused, I shrugged my shoulders and thought.

"The life this person lived is history, they joined the dead musicians part up there and they got to see their old pals, who IS it?" I repeated and asked confused. "It's on the tip of my tongue but I can't place the name of this person!"

"I don't know but it's creepy and weird, maybe once we get home, it'll magically write it down to tell us the end of it."

"Maybe." I said looking out the window and sighed.

At home.

We got back home and we got inside and were tuckered out, Kurt plopped on the couch probably sleeping and dad walked upstairs tired as a dog.

"I'm going to bed y'all, night." Dad said going upstairs and shut his door.

"What a night." I said sitting down where Kurt was sleeping.

"Yeah, I'm sorry for doing that to y'all."

"Please, we helped you when you needed it."

"Yeah but still! I made y'all do that just for me."

"Kurt, stop blaming yourself! It was NOT your fault! You did the right thing by telling Blaine to stop what he was doing but he didn't respect that, it was HIS fault, never YOURS."

"I guess you're right."

"I am right." I told him and he smiled.

"Ok, I think I'm going to go to bed."

"Kay, the guest room is on the far right, it's the 3rd door on the right and the bed's already made so you can just crash."

"Kay, night!"

"Night!" I said going upstairs and taking the bottle out and checked the note, it wasn't full yet so I might wait until morning, who is this person and what are they doing?

Living my life as a Lambert {season 2}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant