Don't let her scare you.

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She had a stern look on her face and thought for a moment, I was right about everything then, she was trying to get rid of me.

"L-Look, just stay away from Kurt, he doesn't like you like he likes me!" She said getting back in my face.

"I wouldn't get so close if I were you, unless you wanna end up in the nurse's office." I threatened her but she didn't care.

"Do it, cuz it's not gonna change what I might do to you."

"Rachel, stop it!" The teacher said walking in, scaring Rachel a bit.

"Mr Boston! I-I was just-"

"Giving Bekah a hard time? Yeah right, get going! You have class, get going!" He told he and she nodded.

"Yes sir." She replied and glared at me. "Back off." I heard her whisper and glared at me as she left.

"Now then, let's start." Mr Boston started as he started drawing on the board, I heard my phone silently vibrate and looked at it. 

"Don't let Rachel scare you, she's just on her period haha." The text from Gabby said, I smiled and texted back.

"Haha please! She doesn't even make me move, I think she lost it from her period haha." I texted back and she smiled as she got it.

"Although, she kinda scares me though. The way she was talking to you and the way you replied kinda got to me." 

"Don't let it get to you, Gabs. Like you said, she's just on her period haha." 

"Haha I guess so, what are you gonna do about Kurt?" 

"I think once I tell him, he'll know. I'm gonna try and talk to him after class."


"Girls, no texting allowed! If I see you two on your phones again, I'm gonna keep them till after school." Mr Boston said to us and we quickly put our phones away and he got back to writing, Gabby smiled at me and I smiled back at her.

After class.

I got out of class and tried to find Kurt, after a few minutes, I found him on the rooftop looking around at the city.

"The city looks incredible from here, huh?" He started off. "The passing cars, the nice cool wind blowing. It's gorgeous out, especially at night." He exclaimed and I walked up beside him.

"You should've been here at the school dance, it was simply gorgeous out with the lights shining through." I told him.

"It's simply amazing out here, the school's got a great view from the roof. Wish my old schools has this."

"Not a lot of schools have them but here in LA, they do. Hey, did you see Rachel?"

"Yeah, before my Spanish class started."

"She came down by my class with Gabby and told me to leave you alone." I told him and he looked at me.

"Is she still bothering you?"

"Yeah, and I think she's planning on hurting me if I don't stop hanging out with you." I told him and he looked down.

"M-Maybe it's best i-if we didn't hang out so much anymore, don't talk or anything. Until she leaves."

"I thought we made this deal before."

"Yeah but let's do it this time, let's not bother each other anymore right now." Kurt told me and I looked down.

"But also too, if you hang out with Rachel, you're just letting her win!" I told him and he looked down.

"I rather let her win then to hurt us."

"She still might hurt me!"

"I'll make sure she won't."

"I don't believe her."

"Bekah, don't worry. It'll be ok."

"I'm just worried about us, she might hurt you."

"She won't, I promise."

"Ok." I told him and the bell ring.

"I gotta get to class, see you later." Kurt told me hugging me for a long time and left, he left to go to class and it was just me outside so I sat on the couch and thought for a few minutes.

Living my life as a Lambert {season 2}Where stories live. Discover now