104. I'm A Fool For You

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Diandra's POV

I can't believe what just happened. I would never cheat on Harry and I can't... I just can't. I walked the full 3 blocks to Niall's house in the pouring rain, but I couldn't care. Every part of me was numb.

I finally reached my best friend's place and knocked on the door. He answered and his face dropped when he saw me. "Babe?"

"Can I please stay here for a while?" I sobbed.

"Of course." He ushered me inside.

"What happened?" He asked as he got me a pair of dry clothes.

"Harry thinks I cheated on him and we broke up. Louis showed him a picture of me and Douglas Booth. I don't even know Douglas Booth." I cried, changing my wet clothes.

"I know. He's an idiot. He'll come back to you." He pulled me onto his lap, holding me tightly.

"I don't think so, Ni. I think its the end." I wiped my eyes.

"Stay as long as you want." He kissed my forehead.

"Thank you." I whispered.

He bought out three tubs of ice cream and got all these sappy movies for us to watch. It took my mind off of him slightly, but there was this pain that remained. "Ni?" I whispered.

"Yeh sweetheart?"

"Will I ever be loved again?" I asked.

"Of course ya will. You're a gorgeous girl and any guy would be lucky to have you." He soothed.

"But I want Harry." I whimpered, tears falling from my eyes.

"I know love, I know." He said, hugging me tightly.

"Do you have any booze?" I asked.

"Yeah, top left kitchen cabinet." He answered.

"I wanna forget." I whispered, getting the alcohol.


Third Person's POV

Diandra woke up in Niall's bed while he slept on the couch. Honestly, she felt like shit. It was awful for both Harry and Diandra to wake up without their loved ones next to them. The boys, save for Niall, went to visit Harry and he refused to get out of bed.

His face was buried in her pillow and he kept looking at pictures of them he'd taken on his phone. He didn't want to delete them though, he wanted those memories to stay with him. He'd thought about calling her a million times to hear her side of the story, but Lou's voice would be ringing through his mind telling him not to do it. He noticed on the top side of the screen that he had a voicemail from the night before. He opened it and pressed his phone to his ear. His heart broke when he heard the voice on the other line.

"Hey baby." Her voice slurred and drew the words out.

"I know you hate me and probably will never hear this, but I just wanted to call you. I miss you a lot. I really miss you." She interrupted herself with a hiccup.

"We had an amazing relationship and I feel so privileged to have gotten the chance to be loved by you. I miss everything about you and I feel really pathetic since you hate my guts and will delete this before you get to listen to it." She laughed and he felt his heart break a bit more.

"I want us to get back together but as I said, you hate my guts. I promise you that I never, ever cheated on you. You're all I ever need and want... I mean needed and wanted. Wow. That hurts talking in past tense." She laughed again.

"I'm drunk. I thought drinking would take away the pain of you hating me, of not having you by my side. But that's the thing. It does nothing. As much as I try, I can't forget about you or the pain. I love you Harry, I love you so damn much that it hurts me." He heard the beginning of a sob.

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