83. Truly, Madly, Deeply

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Harry's POV

I watched her from my position at the head of the bed. She was lying on her stomach, her legs next to my torso and her head at my feet. She was mindlessly humming Chasing Cars while reading her book. My fingers traced over the tattoo on her ankle, traveling up her calf.

How did I get so lucky? I found a beautiful, smart, funny, perfect girl and she loves me. Everyday I worry that she's going to get tired of the constant spotlight or the hate or my traveling, that she's going to find someone that can be around for 3 months at a time, unlike me. We've been together 7 months and we're perfectly happy. I just remind myself that if she was done with me, she would've left long ago. That thought and the fact that I have her around everyday are the only things that keep me from losing my mind.

"I need to colour my hair again. The red is starting to show." Her soft voice broke me out of my thoughts.

"Ooh, can I help? Please?" I begged, moving around so we were facing each other.

"You wanna help?" She looked at me, putting her book down.

"Yeah, why not? Can't be that hard." I said, moving the slightly cinnamon strands out of her face.

"I wanna do something different though." She trailed off.

"What are your ideas?" I asked.

"What if I dye my hair a unique colour?" She thought.

"You mean purple or something?" I questioned.

"Yeah, yeah. What are your thoughts Hazzy?" I smiled at the way my nickname slipped effortlessly through her raspberry coloured lips.

"How about... Purple going lilac or purple going turquoise?" I suggested.

"Maybe purple and lilac." She smiled, twirling her strands around her fingers.

"Gorgeous. C'mon. Let's go get the supplies." I said, pulling us up.

We slipped on some sweaters and skinnies, her adding one of my beanies to the mix and her converse. I pulled my boots and a bandana and grabbed my keys and wallet. "See ya later guys!" I yelled into the living room.

We got into my Range Rover and drove to the mall. I was praying that not too many fans were around, not that I don't enjoy interacting with them, but I just didn't feel like being mobbed today. Her and I walked to the beauty supply shop, and went straight to the dyes. She found a purple and lilac dye she liked, a thing to wrap around her shoulders and a brush to do the lilac with. We walked around the shop more and she found some turquoise nail polish she fancied and some products for her hair and face.

After a tiny argument about who pays, me being victorious, we got home. She wet her hair while I prepared the things in the kitchen. She came down with an old shirt on and the wrap around her shoulders. "Okay, put the gloves on." She instructed.

I slipped the clear plastic gloves on and looked at her expectantly. "Now you put the dark purple in my hair. Start at the front and rub it in. If it gets on my skin, just wipe it off."

I nodded and grabbed the bottle, squeezing the dye into her hair. I massaged it in and she hummed. "But don't do it all the way through. About an inch from where the bottom of my ear is, you can put the lilac in." She said.

I'd finished the dark colour, moving to the lilac. I used the brush to comb it through the strands and I was finally done, having applied colour everywhere. "Thank you babe. Now we wait 45 minutes." She smiled.

We sat in the kitchen, talking about mindless things until the timer on her phone went off. I walked up behind her to our bathroom where she bent over the bathtub, and I rinsed the dye out of her hair. She dried her hair and blew it out, and I grinned widely. She looked stunning.

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