33. Fake

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Diandra's POV

After Harry bolted downstairs, I ran after him. I saw him downstairs, the sliding door in pieces, his shoulders shaking.

I wrapped my arms around him, trying to calm him down, noticing a piece of paper in his hand. "What's that?"

He looked at me and started crying. I read the note and hugged him. "What did she warn you about?"

"She told me she would hurt you unless I broke up with you." He sobbed into my shoulder.

"How about we fake break up?" I said.

"What do you mean?" He wiped his tears.

"You tell her you've broken up with me, but you actually haven't, do whatever she wants you to do then break up with her in public." I suggested.

"That's why you're my girl. So smart." He kissed my forehead.

"Send the text." I rubbed his back.

Done. I've broken up with her. -H

Almost immediately, he got a reply.

Smart boy. See you tomorrow. -T

"I'm so sorry." He hugged me.

"Why? We didn't really break up." I smiled.

I pulled him upstairs and laid him down in bed. He was shaken up and lying in my arms, me being the cuddler. "Don't worry baby. But thank you for caring about me."

"I can't believe I actually considered it." He shook his head.

"Its okay. Go back to sleep. I love you." I pecked his forehead.

"I love you more."


The next day, I moved to Liam's room. I would stay there whenever Taylor was around. Harry was upset but I convinced him it was okay. The doorbell rang and I sighed. Harry kissed me before opening the door, revealing Taylor.

"Baby!" She yelled, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Hello." He said, faking a smile.

"What are you doing here? I thought you two broke up." She glared at me.

"After the break up, we got together." Liam covered, putting his arm around me. Harry shot him a grateful smile.

"Mm-hmm." She eyed us warily.

"What do you want to do?" Harry asked.

"I thought we could just stay here." She smiled sickeningly.

She sat next to Harry on the couch, cuddling into his chest. I shifted next to Liam, feeling uncomfortable. I watched their every move. She leaned towards his lips and before they met, I dragged Liam out the front door.

"Sorry, I just really don't want to see them kiss." I said, sitting on the porch.

"Its okay."

"Thank you for covering for us." I smiled gratefully.

"No problem." He side hugged me.

A few minutes later, Taylor screeched and burst through the door. Liam and I went back inside, seeing Harry smirking on the couch.

"What did you do?" I asked.

"While she was trying to give me a hickey, I moaned your name." He smirked even more.

I laughed, ignoring the fact that they were kissing. I sat down on his lap and rested my head on his shoulder.

"You're the only girl for me." He whispered, carding his hands through my hair.

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