44. London Underground [Part One]

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Tyla's POV

I woke up in Louis' arms with my head on his chest, I could hear his heart beat. My thoughts wondered back to last night, I'm glad Louis was the one. I heard footsteps outside the door and a few voices. Zayn and Niall were obviously awake. I looked up at Louis who was still asleep at the time and gently nudged him. "Lou, baby I think we should get up." I suggested.

He stirred a bit "Mhmm..." He answered.

Just then the door shot open and there stood Niall and Zayn. Louis' eyes shot open and pulled the sheets over us. "I... Have no words for this." Niall trailed off.

"I see what's going on here." Zayn looked around our room.

"Better pick these clothes up!" Niall gestured towards our clothes laying on the ground before walking off, Zayn just behind him

"Morning angel, sleep well?" Louis looked down kissing my head in the process.

"Just perfect" I smiled.

He pulled me closer to him. "We better get up before the rest of them come in here!" I got out of bed.

"But I want to cuddle." He whined.

"No, it's time to get up." I slipped into some old clothes before disappearing into the bathroom. I ran a hot shower, observing myself in the mirror first. I looked terrible I had love bites on my neck all the way to my collarbone. I jumped as I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist.

"Thanks for running the shower beautiful." He buried his head in my shoulder and kissed my neck.

"Are you going to join me?" He gave me a suggestive look.

"Lou, we need to get finished." I hoped into the shower followed by Louis. We quickly washed up and got out.

I slipped on a pair of track pants and one of Louis' hoodies while Louis slipped into track pants and an old shirt as well. We tidied up our room making like nothing happened and headed out to the lounge. The time was now 11:30 and it seem that Harry and Diandra have gone out. Zayn and Niall were sitting on the couch having a conversation with Lee and Liam, sounded more like a debate.

"Morning all." Louis greeted taking a seat on the couch, I took my place next to him.

"Morning Lou, Ty." Liam greeted back.

"Morning!" Lee greeted.

Niall whispered something into Zayn's ear. "Gossiping isn't nice Niall, is there something you want to share?" I spoke up.

He turned and looked at me. "Morning Ty, how are you feeling this morning?" He cocked his eyebrow and winked. I know what he's implying.

"Good morning Niall, I'm feeling great thank you." I leaned into Louis' shoulder.

"Mmm... Wonder why." Niall continued.

"Don't you just want to announce it." Louis added.

Niall looked at Zayn and then stood up clearing his throat. "Ahemm... Louis and Ty-" Louis cut him off.

"For god sakes Niall! Not literally." Lee and Liam were completely confused at the situation.

"What's going on?" Lee innocently asked.

"Omigosh, I can't." I got up and walked into the kitchen. I took 2 pain killers since I had a headache and my lower back now acting up. I then rejoined the group.

"So, um what are we doing today?" Liam changed the subject. Thank god.

"What do you want to do today angel?" Louis questioned.

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