110. Our Little Secret

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Tyla's POV

"This has gone on for far too long love, I think we need to take you to the doctor."

It's been a bit more than a week that I've been sick, every morning bringing up and sometimes late at night. If been really sleepy the last few days and I've been getting headaches on and off since yesterday.

Louis has been right by my side since I've been ill and I'm grateful that I have such a loving boyfriend.

"No babe, I'm sure I'll be better tomorrow." I weakly smiled.

"You said that yesterday.." He blankly looked at me.

"Seriously, it's probably just a flu or something."

"If you're not going to let me take you to the doctor I'll always get the doctor here.. He does house calls." Louis had a smirk on his face.

I got up and went to sit next to him wrapping his left arm around my neck as I held his hand. I rested my chin on his chest looking up at him trying my best to pull, well what they call puppy-dog eyes.

"Baby, if you love me you won't." I whined.

"No! Nope! That's not going to work this time! And you are not playing the 'if you love me' card." He put his arms up and went over to the kitchen.

He took a piece of paper off the fridge which had all the emergency numbers on and pulled his phone out his pocket.

I sighed knowing what his plan was.

"Is this Dr Oliver's offices?" Louis spoke over the phone.

I was watching him from the lounge area.

"Can I make an appointment? For this afternoon at 3?" He asked.

I suddenly felt my stomach cramping.

"Yes, it's a house call." Louis gave them our address and then hung up.

I groaned clutching my abdomen. Louis placed the phone on the counter, he came and knelt down in front of me.

"Baby, it's now 13:30 and your appointment is only at 3, maybe you should lay down a little." He suggested lifting me up.

"But I don't want to.." I pouted.

"You have to come on, I'll be with you."


I heard the faint sound of the doorbell and unwrapped myself from Louis' embrace. He quickly got up. "I've got it babe." Before I got to the door he stopped me. "Stay." He went to open the front door.

A few minutes later a man in his late 30s entered the room with Louis just behind, it was the doctor... Yay! No.

"Hi my names Dr-"

"Oliver." I answered.

"Babe, C'mon put that attitude away now." Louis raised his brow.

"So I hear you're not well... Can you tell me the symptoms you've come across before we start?" He put his bag at the end of the bed.

I sat with my legs crossed on the bed, Louis came and sat next to me.

"Morning sickness, headaches... I'm always tired, I get uncomfortable cramps in my abdomen etc." I explained and the doctor nodded his head.

He did his normal check up and blood pressure checks.

"Well... All I can say is that I don't see any signs of flu or a cold or anything else so is it ok if I take some blood samples? I'm going to send that to the lap and call you later with the results."

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