55. Hero

115 3 7

Tyla's POV

It was the night before Keegan's christening and to be honest I was a mess. It was around 20:30 and everyone was asleep in the house except me. After today I was certainly done with everything, I didn't want it anymore. I wiped the tears away trying to convince myself I'm not what they say. I had a small glass ornament of a horse that I got from my sister and brother in law. Out of anger I threw it and watched as it hit the wall and the glass went flying. It meant nothing to me anymore. I slid down against the wall burying my head in my knees and led silent tears flow. I never thought I would reach this point again.

I shakily took my phone out and carefully scrolled through my contacts. I knew it was really early in Australia at the moment but I needed to hear his voice again. I scrolled until I came to Louis' contact and pressed call. I wiped my tears away and cleared my voice.

"L-Louis" I stuttered.

"Hello, baby what's wrong?" He answered quickly in his morning voice. He was obviously still sleeping.

"I'm really sorry to wake you babe, I j-just needed to speak to you again"

"It's okay angel, I miss you. What's wrong? Why are you crying. You know I don't like to hear my girl upset"

"I can't do it anymore babe, my family is treating me like dirt and I'm sick of it. Never have I ever been through hell and back and these few weeks I have been. Never thought it would be like this again. I'm alone with everyone against me."

"Babe, I don't want you talking like that, you're not alone. You're family obviously doesn't know what their doing to a beautiful girl like you. Always remember I love you. Whenever you need me, call me. Please don't hurt yourself. You mean the world to me I hate to see you broken. It's not going to be like that time 'cos I'm here now. You have nothing to worry about, you hear?"

"I love you too baby. I don't know what I would do with out you. It's just getting to me emotionally"

"I'll see you soon, you'll be safely in my arms!"

"Can't wait till then Boobear!" I smiled at his nickname.

"Me neither, sleep now babe. Have sweet dreams. Remember I'm always there!"

"Night love"

The phone went dead and I noticed that I stopped shaking and was actually quite calm now. He has that effect. I looked over at my door and noticed my luggage there. My suitcase and guitar that I have packed in advance. I got up from the floor and got dressed in some old track pants, tank top and a sweater. Also slipping on my Tommy's. Real traveling outfit. I called a 24 hour cab service and in 10 minutes they were here.

I silently slipped out the house careful not to alert the dogs. With that I loaded my stuff into the car and without further ado, we left for the airport.


Arrived at the airport a bit latter than expected and I hurried to board the last plane for the night. I took my seat by the window, a young girl took her place next to me she looked around 15. "Hello! My name is Ashley!" She greeted.

I held my hand out. "Hey my name's Tyla." I intended to shake her hand but she engulfed me in a hug.

"So... What are your plans in Australia?" She asked going through her phone which I noticed was filled with One Direction pictures.

"Going to see my boyfriend and you?" I answered.

"Going to a 1D concert!" She almost squealed.

"Calm down!" I said chuckling at her excitement.

"So... Boyfriend, tell me about him." she turned facing me in her seat.

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