23. Don't Leave Me Here

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Harry's POV

About an hour later, all the others were awake, so Diandra and I decided to join them. Diandra limped to the log, holding her side and me walking behind her. Niall was starting a fire and the girls were getting fishing equipment.

"We're going fishing." The girls, along with Zayn walked towards the lake. That left Louis, Niall and me.

"Does anyone know what is going on with Liam?" I asked.

"No mate, why?" Niall shook his head.

"He hurt Diandra again. This morning. He kicked her and pushed her into a tree, that's why she's limping."

Louis wiped his hands over his face and sighed. "Mate, I don't know. He acts strange around her."

"Cause when I confronted him, he looked like he just realized what he did. He ran away and I haven't seen him since." I shrugged.

Speak of the devil, Liam walked into the campsite with red, puffy eyes. "Harry, I'm so sorry."

"It isn't me you should be apologizing to." I said softly, yet sternly.

"I don't know what happened. I don't even remember. I think I've began sleepwalking again." He said, never taking his eyes off the ground.

"Oh Liam. Haven't you taken your meds?" Niall sighed.

"I forgot them at home. Harry or one of the others, please keep Diandra with you at all times. Don't leave me with her." His voice shook and he began crying again. I got up and hugged him. I held him until he calmed down. He got some marshmallows and sat on the other log, roasting them.

15 minutes went by and the girls along with Zayn returned, with a large box filled with fish.

Diandra, not noticing Liam, took out a large fish and showed it to me.

"I caught this one!" She squealed.

"That's awesome baby!" I said.

"His name is Kevin. Tyla named him." It suddenly began jumping about in her hands, and she dropped it.

I fell off the log and began laughing hysterically, mainly at her expression. She began laughing and bent over to pick it up, but doubled over from the pain of her bruise.

"Are you okay?" I asked gently.

"Yeh, it just hurts." She whispered. She looked up and Liam caught her eye, her looking scaredly at me. I helped her up, pulling her to the log and her sitting next to me, trying to avoid Liam's gaze.

"Diandra. I'm so sorry. I would never hurt you." Liam said sadly.

Diandra said nothing.

"Please Diandra, you don't have to forgive me, just please accept my sincere apology."

She chuckled bitterly. She stood up and pulled her shirt up, showing her massive bruise. Louis' mouth dropped, Niall looked angry, Tyla and Lee looked upset, Zayn gasped and I cringed. Liam's eyes filled with tears and he let out a choked sound.

"You wanna apologize for this? Sure, you can apologize, but it doesn't make up for the fact that you physically harmed me. The first time, sure it was an accident. But this? You were fully aware of what you were doing."

She turned around, showing the scar already forming on her back.

"This? This will be a reminder of you hurting me for the rest of my life. Scars dont fade away, Liam. What did I do, to make you want to harm me? Nothing. So why did you? And don't say it was an accident, because we both know it wasn't." She said, now crying, but keeping her voice strong.

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