93. Go Ahead Rip My Heart Out [Part 2]

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Diandra's POV

"I love you." He whispered before his eyes shut.

"Fuck." I began crying while I felt over his throat for a pulse.

It was weak, but it was there. I realized I wouldn't be able to take his full weight, especially since he was dead weight now, so I ran to Niall's room. "Niall, please wake up. I need to take Harry to the hospital."

He sprang up, causing Lee to wake up. "What happened?" He asked, putting his shoes on.

"He complained of stomach pain and then he passed out. Please help me get him into the car." I spoke quickly, running back to our room.

Lee went to wake the others up while Niall and I carried my unconscious fiancé to the Range Rover, me flying into the drivers sear and Niall in front with me. I was crying and shaking, trying to find my way through London to get to the hospital with Niall's directions. "I can't lose him Ni. I won't survive." I sobbed, stopping at a red light.

"He'll be fine, darlin. I promise. Harry's a strong boy." He put his hand on my knee as the lights turned green.

About 2 minutes later, I arrived at the emergency section of the hospital and Ni and I ran inside, leaving Harry in the car. "Can I get some help? My fiancé is unconscious and he has stomach pains, swelling and tenderness in his lower right quadrant. I think its his appendix."

Nurses came outside with a gurney and helped Niall and I to get him on. They rushed him into the emergency room and told me to wait outside. About 7 minutes later, a doctor began wheeling his limp body towards the OR. A nurse came out to explain the situation to me.

"His appendix burst. He should be fine, if there are no complications in the surgery. He could be in there anywhere from 1 hour to 4. You're lucky you brought him in now." The oldish woman smiled pitifully at me.

I nodded and sat down on the floor against the wall. I pulled my phone out and phoned Anne. She deserved to know. "Hi Anne." I said as she answered.

"Hi darling, is everything alright?" She said groggily. I mean, it was 2:30 in the morning.

"Harry's in surgery. His appendix ruptured." I wiped a tear falling from my eye.

"Oh God. Which hospital is he at?" She sounded much more awake.

"St Catherines." I answered.

"We'll be there soon. It'll be fine, love." She said, hanging up.

I shivered and looked down at myself. I was wearing one of Harry's shirts, a pair of pyjama shorts and my converse, and I was freezing. "Here babe." Niall said, wrapping a blanket around me.

I tried smiling at him, but it came out more like a grimace. The others burst through the doors and saw my sad figure against the wall. Lee and Tyla plopped down on either side of me, hugging me and whispering things in my ear.

"It'll be okay." Liam said simply.

"He'll be fine." Zayn tried.

"He will probably live." Louis said and Tyla shot him a glare.

"He will live." Tyla corrected her boyfriend's mistake.

Anne and Robin entered next and I stood up, going to hug them. "I'm sorry, he was fine all day and then he-"

"Hey love, it wasn't your fault. It happens. Luckily you brought him here." Anne rubbed my arm.

An hour later, the nurse came out and looked at me worriedly. She motioned me over and I went to stand in front of her. "The infection spread to his kidneys and they're no longer working. We need to find a donor in the next few days otherwise-"

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