14. Mistakes

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Harry's POV

"Harry? Haz? Hazza? Harold?" Diandra said in different tones.

"Mhmm?" I mumbled.

"Get up baby. Its a big day today."

"What is it?"

She gasped. "Best Song Ever!"

I chuckled and got up. I looked at my watch and saw that it would be released in 10 minutes. I got dressed and joined the others in the lounge, sitting in front of a laptop. Lee, Tyla, Niall, Louis, Liam and Zayn were sitting there and Diandra was making popcorn. I noticed Michaela, a girl from class who was good friends with Diandra, but not as good as Tyla and Lee. I smiled and Diandra joined us as the video was released. The girls were right in front of the computer and us boys on the couch.

Louis and Niall came on screen as Johnny and Harvey. Lee looked at Niall and wiggled her eyebrows.

Veronica arrived and the girls all burst out in laughter. "Hmm. You make a pretty girl." Tyla observed.

Finally, me as Marcel arrived and Diandra looked at me. "I see where you got your disguise from." She laughed.

Leeroy came on and the girls collapsed on the floor. "C'mon Louis, do the splits for us." Tyla pouted. The song finally started and they all squealed.

"You guys made a awesome music video. Its sure to be a hit." They gushed.

I walked into the kitchen, along with Niall, Lee and Michaela to make lunch. While Ni and Lee were making pasta and sauce, Michaela was helping me chop vegetables.

"Diandra really likes you, ya know?"

I smiled. "Yeah, I know."

I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked down at Michaela. All of a sudden, I was pushed against the fridge with a pair of lips against mine, who weren't Diandra's. I was too stunned to move and even if I wanted to, I was being held in Michaela's grip. I didn't know what to do, except think 'I'M CHEATING ON DIANDRA. NO NO NO.'

I heard a choked sob and what scared me the most was that it was from the person I loved with all my heart. OH CRAP NO NO NO NO. Michaela finally released me from her grip and I looked at Diandra standing shocked in the doorway. I probably looked like a fish, wanting to say something but no words came out. She just stood there, letting the tears fall from her eyes then turning around sadly, walking away. My life was walking away from me and I was just letting her.

"Diandra, its not what it looks like. Wait. Come back baby."

I followed her into my bedroom and she slammed the door in my face. I slumped against the door and said, "Diandra I would never cheat on you! Please understand! I love you and I would never think of cheating on you. Please Diandra." My voice cracked on her name.

What had previously happened had finally sunk in and I felt my heart break. I promised I would never cheat on her and I broke my promise. I began crying and soon enough, I had trouble breathing. I couldn't just let her leave me. I cried and cried while begging Diandra to come out and talk to me. I put my hand over my mouth to contain my sobs, pressing my ear to the door. I heard her crying harder than I was and that broke my heart even more. I made her cry like that.

About 2 minutes later, Niall came up the stairs and knocked on the door. "Diandra, let Harry in. He's sitting outside the door crying."

He waited but she didn't answer. "Okay its me Niall. Please let me in."

The door opened and he walked in, giving me a sympathetic look. Of course she would let Niall in. He was like a brother to her and he was the closest to her besides me. I realized that this was Michaela's fault. I pushed myself up and walked to the lounge but she wasn't there. I sighed and sat walked into the garden, finding Lee lying in the grass. I laid next to her and looked at the clouds.

"You messed up." She said after a while.

"I know." I felt the tears start to fall down my cheek.

"Diandra will come around. She really loves you."

"That's the problem Lee. She loves me and I betrayed her trust. It wasn't my fault because I didn't initiate the kiss, but she doesn't know that. It feels like she doesn't trust me and that's what hurts the most."

"Harry, I've known Diandra for a very long time and she trusts people very easily, which isn't a good thing. When that trust is compromised in the smallest way, she goes millions of steps backwards. Deep down she believes you, but all you can do now is speak to her and tell her what really happened. I was there. I know what happened, but whatever I say won't matter. This is between you and her. It'll all be okay in the end, if its not okay its not the end."

I looked at her and smiled, pulling her in for a hug. "Thank you."

We got up and walked back into the lounge. My eyes immediately landed on Diandra, sniffling whilst cuddling a pillow. Her usually bright eyes were lifeless, swollen and red. She had tear tracks on her cheeks and her bottom lip was bleeding, from her chewing on it. She was as white as a piece of paper, which is saying something because she is usually fairly tan.

I went and tried to sit next to her but as soon as she saw me coming she moved to the other couch, sitting next to Niall. Ouch. I clamped my eyes shut to try and stop the tears that I had left. I miss not being able to touch her and hold her. I missed seeing her smile and hearing her contagious laugh. She looked up at me sadly, then stood up and walked upstairs. I followed her and stopped when I saw her sitting crossed legged in front of my room, watching me.

She anxiously looked at me as I scooped her up, holding her against my chest. I inhaled her scent and I felt her heartbeat against my chest. My arms were in a unbreakable grip around her, and I didn't plan on letting her go anytime soon. I walked into my room, her still in my arms, and sat on my bed against the headboard.

The room was silent until I heard quiet sobbing and Diandra shaking in my arms.

"Andrix, what's wrong? I'm sorry, please don't cry."

She looked up at me and began crying harder. "N-n-no Haz, I'm sorry." She took a deep breath and continued.

"I was a horrible girlfriend for not trusting you. Niall told me what really happened. I'm sorry for not trusting you after you said you would never cheat on me. I'm so so sorry Harry."

"Diandra, I'm sorry. Don't cry. I'm not angry, I'm just sad that you didn't trust me. I would never cheat on you or hurt on you in any way. I love you."

"I love you too Harry. Am I forgiven?"

"Of course love." We stayed in bed for the rest of the evening, cuddling without speaking. I just held her in my arms until we both fell asleep.

A life without Diandra is a life I don't want to live.

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