68. Something I Need

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Louis' POV

Our stay in Japan has been quite interesting but a little boring as well. Besides the concerts we've tried to keep ourselves busy. They boys and I went to this store where we actually had to wear slippers inside and all you did was play with remote control robots. Don't get me wrong it was fun but still.

We were currently at our hotel, each of us in our own rooms doing our own things. I was waiting for Ty to arrive from South Africa but I still haven't heard from her. I moved to the window and looked out of it at the scenery. To be quite honest I was a bit worried about Ty's arrival after what happened in Diandra but thankfully she's out and well now.

Time passed and my girl was still not answering her phone and it was getting quite late. I watched the flickering lights from the city and the cars below when Zayn entered the room. "Hey mate, what keeps you?" He asked patting my back sitting next to me.

"Nothing much, I'm waiting for Ty. She was supposed to be here by now..." I sighed facing him.

"She'll be here, don't worry. Me and the guys are in Liam's room. You can join if you feel like it?" He smiled before leaving.


An hour pasted and the door burst open. Ty came through the door and my eyes lit up. She dragged her suitcase in with her other bag in one hand and her phone, purse and sunglasses in the other. She also had a large envelope in her mouth. I jumped up and engulfed her in a tight hug.

"Is it me or is traveling just not for me?" She kissed my cheek and put her stuff down.

"I mean first they have a problem with my passport at the airport and then the taxi driver refused to take me to the hotel and dropped me at a bar joint" she sighed smiling at me in the end.

"It's Japan love, I don't think they understand you" I assured.

"What's in the envelope?" I asked curious of its contents.

"Uni entry forms about 6 of 'em, 3 in SA and 3 in London" she pulled them out spacing it out on the table.

"I want to get this over with babe, I'm really tired and now I have to fill this in" she sat down.

"But you just got here, let's go do something fun hmm" I tugged her sweater. Wait? Sweater... Why was she wearing a sweater? Then I remembered the last time she arrived wearing one was in Australia and...

I pulled her arms towards me pushing the material up to her elbows. "Louis what are you?" She furrowed her brow. I let a sigh of relief.

"I'm just checking" I kissed her and left her to fill in the forms.


Half an hour passed and she was still...busy. "Babe are you done.." I whined from the sofa becoming bored of playing games on my phone.

I decided to start sending her messages. Her phone chimed message after message. "Louis Tomlinson if you don't stop I'm going to-" she threatened but I cut her off.

"It's love messages... Little naughty love messages..." I pouted at her and she rolled her eyes.

I decided to start picking and see where that gets me, like having a little fun. "You know what babe.." I started smirking.

"What.." She answered still filling in forms.

"It's been a while since I've spent time with you, are you still fit?" I looked down and back at her.

"What's your point?" she sat back.

"Are you still fit? You don't look it" I braced myself for her answer.

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