64. Moments [Part One]

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Harry's POV

"I'll see you soon baby. I love you." I said into my phone.

She had just landed here in Japan, and on her way via taxi to the hotel. We were planning on announcing our engagement on one of the interviews. We'd just celebrated our 6 month anniversary 2 days ago.

"I love you too." I heard the smile in her voice.

I cleaned the room a bit, making sure it was ready for her arrival. Mum and Gem were next door, waiting for her to come up.

My phone started ringing, and I assumed it was her. "Hello?"

"Harry Styles?" A man's voice spoke through the speaker.

"Speaking." I said, confused.

"We found your name on Diandra Henriques' phone. Are you a relative of hers?" He asked.

"No, I'm her fiancé. Is everything okay?" I stood up slowly.

"Harry, we are sorry to inform you that Diandra has been in a serious car accident."

My whole world came crashing down on me. My phone fell from my hands, as I looked up to see mum entering the room, and collapsed into her arms, sobbing. "Baby, what's wrong?" She picked my phone up.

"Hello? What's going on?" She asked

I heard the man explaining to mum, as she had put it on speakerphone. "We need Harry to come to the scene immediately."

"Where is it?" Mum cried.

"Corner of North and 7th street."

Mum hung up and dragged me downstairs, where Gemma was waiting. Her smile faltered when she saw our faces.

"What's wrong?" She asked, pulling me into her arms.

"Diandra.... Car accident... Serious..." I choked out.

Tears gathered in her eyes and I got into our car, mum driving to the scene while Gem comforted me. We got to the scene and I ran up to a paramedic.

"I'm Harry." I cried softly.

"Please follow me sir."

I followed the guy, and he led me to an ambulance. Diandra was lying on the gurney. The paramedics were using defibrillators and there was an oxygen mask over her face. I've never seen her so weak and that made me cry harder.

"Do you know what happened?" I asked.

"They got hit by a drunk driver, Diandra's side took the impact and the car flipped twice. He and the taxi driver unfortunately died." He pointed to two body bags.

I nodded and Gemma put her hand on my shoulder. "Please take the boys and mum to the hospital."

She nodded and got back into the car with mum. I climbed into the ambulance and took her hand in mine. I was crying badly by now. The paramedics were watching her stats.

"Please don't die baby. Please. I need you." I whispered, shutting my eyes.

Reality that she could die hit me and my stomach jumped into my throat and a paramedic passed me a bin. I brought up my stomach contents into the bin and started crying harder than I've ever cried. My life, my voice and my reason to be cant die. She cant leave me.

We arrived at the hospital, and the paramedics rushed her into the OR. Everyone was waiting in a private waiting room. They were all crying, but Niall particularly harder than the others. I sat down next to mum, and she cradled me in her arms. I struggled to breathe and my body was completely numb.

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