3. Yes

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Harry's POV

"Darry? Miandra? Darcel? Hiandra?" Louis was thinking of Diandra and my Ship names. I personally liked Darry.

"Did you see Lee? She's amazing. She loves food almost as much as me." Niall said, blushing at the memory.

When Diandra hugged me, I wanted her to stay in my arms forever. She isn't too tall that its weird, but not too short either. My chin rests on the top of her head. She is perfect.

The boys and I might be going to school, but we are excused from homework. We've already done this stuff, why do it again? I spent the afternoon thinking about her. Niall was probably thinking about Lee too. Diandra has a nice group of friends. I can also see why her friends call her Harry. She acts a lot like me.

"Harry, Niall, its almost Valentines Day, and I heard there was going to be a dance. Why dont you ask Diandra and Lee if they want to go?" Lou suggested.

I smiled widely."Good idea Lou!" I pulled out my phone and searched for Diandra's number. I found it and began the conversation:

Marcel - Hi Diandra

Diandra 💜 - Hi Marcy, how are you?

I laughed at the nickname she gave me.

Marcel - I'm good, what about you? I have to ask you something.

Diandra 💜- I'm good thanks. What do you wanna ask?

Marcel - Do you wanna go to the Valentines Ball with me?

Diandra 💜- Of course, Marcy! I'd be honored 😘

Marcel - Awesome, see you tomorrow!

"She said yes." I whispered to myself.

Just then I heard a thud coming from Niall's room. I grabbed the metal baseball bat near my door and ran to his room, probably looking like a lunatic. "What happened? I heard a thud."

Liam chuckled. "Niall fell off the bed doing a crazy dance." I gave him a look.

A grin took over Niall's face. "I asked Lee to the V-Ball. She said yes,"

I dropped the bat suddenly and it landed on Liam's bare foot, causing Liam to start yelling profanities while clutching his foot. "Holy son of a-"

"Sorry mate, I really am." I turned my attention back to Niall.

"Really? I asked Diandra too and she said YES!"

Niall and I hugged, and we started fangirling while Liam was still swearing. "My FOOT! Holy-"

Niall laughed and I smiled.

She said yes.

Twist Of Fate - Harry Styles Fanfiction [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now