13. They Don't Understand

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Diandra's POV

I woke up, feeling the bed shake underneath me and people screaming. My immediate thought was an earthquake, but we don't get them here in South Africa. In my half asleep state, I flopped off the bed with a thud and crawled underneath it. I heard people laughing and looked up to see Niall, Louis, Liam, Zayn and Lee jumping up and down like children on Christmas morning.

"Guise, why are ya interruptin' ma beauty sleep?" I whined, still half asleep.

"Make us breakfast!" Niall shouted like the hungry beast he is.

"How do you even know that I can cook? What if I gave you all food poisoning?"

They all stopped jumping, but then Niall yelled "Its a chance we're willing to take! I just want food."

I chuckled and got out from underneath the bed to look at Harry, but he wasn't there. I got up, stumbling down the stairs, making it to the kitchen. There stood my boyfriend, cooking.

"Guys, I was sleeping. Harry is already cooking. Why did you wake me up?"

Niall put a puppy dog face on and said, "Harry is being a meanie and is only making you and him breakfast. What about us? If I attempt to cook, this house will burn down, the others cant cook either."

I laughed and snaked my arms around Harry's waist. "Morning Jelly Bean." I whispered into his back.

He shivered and spun around, picking me up in the process. "Good morning beautiful, how are you?"

I nuzzled my head into his neck, giving him kisses along his jawline. "I'm great and you?"

"Mmm.. I'm better now."

I chuckled and pointed my finger at him. "What is this thing I hear about you not cooking the boys breakfast?"

He put me down on the counter and gave a sheepish smile. "I got up super early because I wanted to make you breakfast in bed, but Niall and Lee and Louis crept up on me and asked why there was so little food, and I said I was only making breakfast for you and me. They started complaining and I guess Liam and Zayn heard and they joined the argument. Then they woke you up and here you are."

I laughed, and gave him a hug. "Thanks baby. But I guess we have to make them breakfast now as well."

I hopped off the counter and helped Harry make a bigger quantity of food, almost 5 times as much as he already had. As I was flipping the bacon, I heard a crack and something wet on my head. I looked at Harry and he had a devilish smile on his face. He cracked an egg on my head. I narrowed my eyes and got the flour we used to make pancakes, and threw a whole cup at him. It landed in his hair and all over his face. His eyes went wide and he grabbed 6 eggs, and began throwing them at me. They all hit me and I began pouring water over his head. We were laughing so much, we didn't notice the others along with Paul. Paul didn't look too happy, but he was chuckling, while the others were laughing and filming us. Harry came towards me, all wet and full of flour, with a smirk on his face. I backed away from him until my back hit the corner wall and I was stuck. He picked me up and pressed me against his body, getting me wet and full of flour. He finally let go and we were still laughing.

After our post-food fight showers, we finally joined the others for our delayed breakfast. It was really good and the others agreed. They all got up to do their own things, which left Harry and I alone. We moved over to the couch and I sat on his lap.



"Remember what you said last night? You said you wanted to marry me? Were you serious?"

Twist Of Fate - Harry Styles Fanfiction [Completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora