7. The Mall

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Harry's POV

"Diandra, I know I've only known you for 3 days but will you be my girlfriend?" I smiled and she kissed me in response.

"Yes" she mumbled against my lips.

"You know by being my boyfriend, you are basically agreeing to put up with my love for One Direction and especially Harry?"

I smirked and nodded. "Yeah, I think I can handle it."

I think I can handle my princess's love for myself. My princess. I like the sound of that. I just need to keep it like that. 'Don't mess it up Harry, Dont mess it up Harry' I was chanting to myself.

"Baby, you ok?" Diandra was waving her hand in front of my face.

"Yeh princess, I'm fine."

She repositioned herself so that she was sitting on my lap. "What do you wanna do today?"

I needed a shower , change of clothing and to re-gel my hair. "I'm gonna go home, take a shower, let the boys know that I'm with you and Lee and Harvey. Then I'll come back here and we can go to the mall. How about that, sweetheart?"

She smiled and nodded. "Can I have a kiss first?" I smirked and leaned in.

I put my hands on her hips and she put hers around my neck. I kissed her gently and deepened it slowly. When we pulled away, I pecked her nose. I can't wait to tell her that I'm Harry. I think she likes me for me. I hugged her and left.

I got home and the boys flooded me with questions. "Anything happen?" "Is she your girlfriend?" "Did you tell her you're Harry?"

I laughed. "Boys, calm down. Yes, she is my girlfriend. I only kissed her twice and I will tell her I'm Harry at the Ball. Now I need to go shower, cause my princess and I are going on a date."

I jumped into the shower and washed my hair and body. I gelled my hair back and changed into white converse, a Rolling Stones shirt and dark skinny jeans. I got Paul to drive me over to Diandra's home. I knocked on the door and waited for her to answer. The door finally opened to reveal Diandra. She looked gorgeous. She was wearing white converse, a black floral mini-dress, and her hair done in a loose braid. Lee and Niall stood behind her. I held my hand out to her and she took it. The 4 of us got into the car and drove to the mall. Once we finally arrived, Lee and Niall, and Diandra and I went our separate ways.

"What do you want to do, beautiful?" I asked.

She blushed and stood on her tippy toes to kiss my cheek. I love the height difference between us. We walked to the music store and she went straight to the posters. She paged through them, groaning at all the Justin Bieber posters making me snicker. She then got to the One Direction posters. She got to the Harry poster and her eyes lit up. She compared herself to me on the poster, and listed all the same qualities we share. It went like this:



Curly hair

Dirty minded-ness

Stupid jokes


She was so cute. She gave me her phone and told me to take a picture. She smiled for the first picture and for the second, she pulled a crazy face with her tongue sticking out and eyebrows raised. I kissed her nose and she giggled. We walked hand in hand to the cinema. We decided to watch The Conjuring. I chose it so she could cuddle up to me. We ordered a large popcorn and 2 sodas. The movie started and lets just say she was on my lap, her face in my neck in a very short period of time. She was whimpering and I felt really bad. I guided her out of the cinema and she had tears running down her face.

"Jelly Baby please don't cry. I'm sorry.. Please don't cry."

She wiped her tears and began laughing, "Oh my God I can't believe you fell for that!"

I was shocked. I put a face of mock hurt on my face. She was still laughing, then noticed my expression.

"Jelly Bean, I'm sorry.. I thought-" I cut her off with a kiss.

We smiled at each other, before walking to a small restaurant. We sat in a booth and cuddled with each other. She ordered spinach ravioli and I got lasagne. We ate in comfortable silence occasionally stealing glances. Once we paid, we went walking around the mall. We went into a few more shops and then met up with Niall and Lee. We decided we would watch a movie, a comedy. Grown Ups 2 was much better than the previous movie. Diandra has an adorable laugh. I was laughing more at her than at the movie.

We found an old fashioned photo booth. Diandra and I were in it first, then Lee and Niall, then all four of us. The first pose was us smiling. The second we were kissing, the third was a random one with our tongues out and the fourth was a James Bond pose.

When we finally got home and Diandra and I went straight to her room. We lay in her bed, me playing with her hair and her playing with my fingers.

"Boo, why do you like me? I know its a stupid question, but I just don't know why. I'm nothing special."

I frowned. I sat up and pulled her onto my lap. "Your smile lights up my world, your eyes, your hair, you put people before yourself, your laugh, your funny faces, the way you say my name, the way you talk, you're funny , you're beautiful, you have an amazing personality, you have a big heart and I could go on, but we would be up all night." I chuckled silently at the pun.

She smiled at me and kissed me. "I like you because you make me feel like I'm the only girl in the world, you make me feel beautiful, you are fun to be around and you are an amazing cuddler." I blushed and chuckled.

"Night, Jelly Bean." She said with a yawn. "Goodnight my Jelly Baby." We kissed and she fell asleep.

I looked at her, biting my lip. The words so desperately wanted to come out, but it wasn't the right time. I love you Diandra, I mouthed for only my ears to hear.

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