12. First Date

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Harry's POV

I felt somebody staring at me while I was sleeping. I opened one eye and peeked at Diandra. She didn't notice that I was awake and she kept playing with my curls. I slowly moved my arms and grabbed her waist, pulling her on top of me in one swift motion. She squealed and began laughing. I moved my fingers over her sides and she collapsed on top of my chest squirming.

"Stahhhp Harreh, bebeh stahhhhp" she tried to say in her best British accent.

She was still laughing and she glared at me when I finally stopped tickling her.

"So do you think you know where we're going for our date?" I asked, smirking.

"Nope." She replied.

I kissed her nose and tickled her tummy. "Dress casually, but nice."

She nodded and kissed me, and got up to get dressed. I lay in bed, watching her pick out clothing, and finally retreat into her bathroom. I got dressed , in black skinny jeans, a pastel purple v neck and my white converse, finishing it off with the bandana she gave me and my Aviators. I dialed Louis' number and put the phone to my ear.

"Hello? You've reached the SassMasta, how can I help you?" His chipper voice answered

"Hey Lou, can you and Liam do me a favour please?" Almost immediately he grunted, waiting for me to continue.

"I need you to..." I explained the details of the date I was planning.

"Sure mate, see you then." I hung up after thanking him.

She came out 15 minutes later, her hair done in a braid. She was wearing white converse, a purple tank and a white skirt.

"Casual yet nice enough for you?" I smiled and nodded.

She grabbed her phone off the bed side table and her aviators off her dresser. "Bye mom, I'm going out with Harry!" She yelled.

Paul was already outside. We got into the Range Rover and we arrived at the first destination, a mini golf course. We got our balls and clubs and walked to the first hole. I tried distracting her at each hole by grabbing her waist and kissing her neck. She shivered but shot each hole with either a birdie or par. She's good at golf. Diandra returned the favour and put her hand up my shirt, ghosting shapes on my spine. I got distracted and did terribly, 5 over par.

"No fair!" I shouted with a smile playing on my lips.

"But you were doing it to me. Its not my fault I can focus and you cant."

I shrugged. She smiled and we finished the course.

Our next destination was the mall. We walked around for a while, without getting recognized. We arrived in front of a tattoo parlour and I went in. Diandra gave me a weird look and sat in the waiting area. 2 hours later, I walked back into the waiting room to see Diandra lying on the couch, looking at the ceiling and mumbling stuff to herself. I crouched next to her head, trying to listen to what she was saying. She was actually singing Last First Kiss. She changed all the Baby parts to Harry. So it went like :

I wanna be last, yeah,

Harry, let me be your,

Let me be your last first kiss,

I wanna be first, yeah,

Wanna be the first to take it all the way like this,

And if you

Only knew.

I wanna be last, yeah,

Harry, let me be your last,

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