92. I Just Wanna See The Stars With You [Part 1]

Start from the beginning

I got in the drivers side and my garage door opened, revealing the Autumn night sky. My car came to life and we drove through London with One Republic playing softly through the speakers.

We arrived at the fancy resteraunt, and paps were crowding the place. I got out the car, narrowing my eyes at the bright lights. I opened her door and she covered her eyes immediately. Unlike me, she wasn't used to the flashes.

"Harry! Harry over here!" They started shouting as I pulled her into my side.

We made it into the resteraunt and she exhaled. "I'll never get used to that."

I smiled, kissing her forehead as we walked to the bookings table. "Two for Styles, please."

"Right this way Mr and Mrs Styles." The red haired hostess smiled at us.

She led us to the back of the place and showed us a nicely lit table, complete with a bottle of champagne. "Your waiter will be right with you to take your orders." She nodded politely, walking back to her rightful place.

I grabbed her hand from across the table and rubbed my thumb over her knuckles. She smiled at me and I felt my heart flutter. After 7 months of being together, she still makes me feel how I did when we first met. Butterflies, fireworks, sparks, tingles, all of that.

"So Mrs Styles, what are you in the mood for?" I asked, pouring some champagne in her glass.

"I shall have... The fish." She nodded, looking at the menu.

"So fish for two." I smiled.

The waiter, a blonde man just shorter than Louis, took our orders and left the two of us alone. "So my beautiful girl, what's on your mind?" I asked.

"The wedding. There's so much to do." She breathed out.

"It'll be fine. We'll get it done." I said.

"Hopefully." She smiled at me, tracing the D on my hand.

We spoke about mindless things and the waiter brought us our meals. We ate and drank champagne, laughing and stealing glances. The waiter, who's name I learnt was Mark, took the plates and brought us menus for dessert.

"I'll be back now sweets." She smiled, walking towards the bathrooms.

I sat there, typing on my phone when I felt a presence sit down in front of me. "That was quick ba-" I was cut off when I looked up. It wasn't Diandra.

It was Kendall Jenner.

"Hey Haz." She smiled at me, reaching for my hand across the table.

"Erm, hi. Please don't call me Haz." I said awkwardly, moving my hand under the table.

"How've you been?" She asked.

"I'm okay, thanks." I answered, praying silently that she'd take the hint that I didn't want to speak with her and leave.

"That's great! I miss you." I felt her foot trace up my leg.

"I'm actually on a date and-" I was cut off once again.

"Oh! I didn't realize this was dinner for 3." My fiancee fake smiled at the brunette.

"Hold on. You're actually dating this bitch?" The Jenner child snapped.

"Says the slut." Diandra coughed, but she heard.

"We're actually engaged." I added.

Her mouth dropped open. "I know you want me back. You're just using her to fill the void."

Diandra stepped behind her chair, pulling it out from under the table and tipping it over so that Kendall was forced to stand up or fall on her ass. "I think its best you leave before I say or do something I regret."

Kendall rolled her eyes and I smirked at her. "Me? Using her to fill the so-called void? Please. I actually love her, unlike you. She's a billion times better than you ever were or will be. Now please leave before I get one of my security guards."

It was a lie about the security guards, but that was the only way I'd get her to leave. Diandra came to me and planted her lips on mine, pulling away and smirking at Kendall who screeched and walked away.

"Babe, I swear I didn't invite her or-" I started.

"Boo, I know. I saw the whole thing." She smiled at me.

She sat down again and we ordered desserts, finishing them before I paid. We got out and into my car safely before I drove to the nearby park. "Thank you baby. It was great." She smiled as we sat down on the grass.

We looked at the night sky, pointing out different constellations that we saw. "Hey, that's a planet you know?" She said, pointing at a bright blue speck.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah. Looks like Neptune." She nodded.

We stayed a few minutes later before deciding to go home. Everyone was in their rooms and all the lights were off. Her and I went up to our room and got ready for bed. She got into bed first while I changed and crawled in next to her.

"Night Hazzabear. I love you." She smiled, kissing me.

"Night baby. I love you more." I winked, pulling her closer to me.


I shot up with a pain shooting though my lower stomach. I felt nauseas and sweat was dripping down my spine and forehead.

The searing pain made it's way through me again and I ran into the bathroom, bringing up my dinner. I stumbled to bed and sat on my knees next to her side of the bed.

"Baby." I whimpered.

She looked so peaceful, and I didn't want to wake her up, but I had no idea what was happening. Maybe she could help. "Diandra." I said louder.

Her eyes stayed closed and she snuggled further into the comforter. "Diandra! Please!" I almost yelled, the pain becoming unbearable.

She woke up immediately and she sat up quickly. "Baby? What's wrong?" She panicked.

"My stomach is sore. It hurts so bad. Please make it stop." Tears started forming in my eyes.

"Come lie down. Let me see." She said, helping me up and guiding me to lie in bed.

She lifted my shirt up and her eyes widened. I looked at my torso and it was swollen. "Did you puke?" She asked and I nodded.

She placed her hand on my forehead and bit her lip. "You're burning up."

"We need to get you to the hospital." She said, pulling her Converse on.

I felt my eyes closing and she panicked. "Babe, stay with me. I need you to stay awake. Please."

"I love you." I whispered.

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