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Loki and I parted from one another and walked side by side before stopping triumphantly in front of Heimdall. "Welcome home. I saw you coming" Heimdall spoke wisely. I smiled "Of course you did" Loki replied sharply before looking towards the oncoming undead army.

I, Loki, Heimdall, Korg and his revolutionary friends all took formation blocking Hela's army from reaching Asgard's people as they clambered onto the spaceship. Heimdall skilfully used his bifrost sword, slicing the creatures apart whilst Korg and his comrades shot Sakaarian weapons towards the skeleton soldiers. Loki stood to my left and expertly spun his knives stabbing and slaying as he dodged on coming attacks.

Still having no idea how to actually fight, I simply used streams of my power to push back the on coming strikes. If soldiers got to close, I wrapped my magic around them and threw them from the bifrost. As the fighting continued, I got more into a rhythm and soon found myself dodging attacks and retaliating with ease. All of a sudden, an enormous bolt of lightning hit the palace. Everyone momentarily looked at the explosion trying to figure out what was happening.

I looked to Loki who was watching me as I dropped a magical forcefield I was previously holding up. I looked back to the palace only to see Hela's body falling to the ground. A grin swept across my face as I looked back to Loki seeing him genuinely smile at his brothers obvious growing power. I looked back to the palace only to see Thor flying down towards the bifrost with lighting dramatically following his figure. Soldiers of the undead scrambled on top of one another trying too get to him first but Thor simply landed between them letting out a wave of electricity killing them all instantly.

More soldiers rushed towards him and I was drawn back to my own fight as I watched Loki decapitate an enemy moments before it was about to stab me. "Pay attention Zeanna" Loki smirked causing me to roll my eyes with a smile. As I continued to delimb the skeleton army with my power my focus looked to the crashed ship that Valkyrie and I had previously been in. It was now shooting fireworks into the air and the noise drew Hela's legion towards it. It was then that I saw Valkyrie. She was strutting forward calmly, looking incredible in the process. She effortlessly began slaying the creatures. I smirked; here we go indeed.

Below the bifrost I could still hear the roars of Hulk and was briefly reminded of the large wolf that had previously attempted to kill everyone. I had now unsheathed my own sword and had taken a new liking to slicing at the relentless beings. I was using both my power and my sword to cut down and eliminate the threats around us. From the corner of my eye I watched as Loki removed his helmet and used it to slice one of the soldiers in the face. As he turned another creature aimed their weapon at his throat, Loki skilfully manoeuvred as he jumped through the air and spun into his landing. I took my sword and impaled the soldier closest to Loki. He skidded along the floor before standing in a crouch and using his helmet to drag a remaing soldier to the ground before he leaped forward and stabbed the being in the gut. Once finished he slowly and majestically rose to his feet. He flipped his helmet in his hand.

"What?" He said slightly out of breath as he caught my gawking expression as he placed his helmet back on his head. "You're so damn sexy you know that" I said with a smirk causing Loki to chuckle. He pulled me forward for a haste kiss before lightning bolts tore our attention back towards Thor. He was still effortlessly destroying waves and waves of Hela's troops. Korg was letting out battle cries as he, Heimdall and Valkyrie continued to slay the creatures coming towards the helpless Asgardians.

With the number of enemy soldiers decreasing I threw my power onto the floor of the bifrost and watched as the remaining handful of guards flew from the bridge. I smiled at Loki as the two of us caught our breath. Loki took my hand and we walked towards Thor.

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