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As I travelled towards a closed door I jumped as I felt my restraints loosen and the doors slide open. I was pushed forward and I landed unflatteringly on my face as I heard the doors behind me slam shut. I groaned and rocked backwards taking my weight on my calf's and heels. I rubbed my forehead before I stopped and took a deep breathe noticing what was in front of me. There was a large creature covered from head to toe in rocks, I scrambled backwards in fear until my back hit a wall. I glanced around in a panic taking in my surroundings. More futuristic décor smothered my senses as a geometric black and white pattern surrounded me, the room seemed to be circular and various bodies both alive and dead scattered the floor. I shook my head and took deep breathes as I cocooned my head between my knees. I will not cry.

"Hey, hey, hey. Take it easy" I looked up to see where the high pitched friendly voice had come from. To my surprise it was the being covered in rocks. I stayed silent but remained in eye contact with the individual. "Over here. The pile of rocks waving at you. Here. Yeah I'm actually a thing. I'm a being."
I looked to him as he waved and gave me a smile, I gave a small smile in return, before I looked at the strange creature at his side. "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Korg. I'm kind of like the leader in here. I'm made of rocks as you can see. But don't let that intimidate you. You don't need to be afraid unless you're made of scissors" Korg finished with a chuckle as he stood revealing his enormous height. The creature beside him also stood whilst making alien like clicks and chirps.

I still didn't answer, still shocked by my surroundings and Korg. "Just a little rock-paper-scissor joke for you" Korg continued just in case I hadn't gotten the jest. I nodded as he continued. "This is my very good friend over here, Miek. He's an insect and has knives for hands" Korg finished, I giggled as Miek made some heroic gestures. "That's more like it" Korg stated as he offered me hand and pulled me to my feet. I smiled still very shy and unsure about the situation. "How did you end up in here?" I asked as I looked around a little more. "Ah, well, I tried to start a revolution, but didn't print enough pamphlets. So hardly anyone turned up, except for my mum and her boyfriend, who I hate. As punishment, I was forced to be in here and become a gladiator. Bit of a promotional disaster, that one. But I'm actually organising another revolution, I don't know if you'd be interested in something like that. Do you reckon you'd be interested?" Korg answered, explained and questioned in much detail as we walked around my new compound, I rose my eyebrows as my mouth moved like a fish, not knowing what to say.

Before I could make up some pathetic answer I was surprised to see Thor jog up to our side. He too looked surprised and when we came to the same door that I had been thrown through earlier I realised we were indeed in a big circle. "How did you..." Thor breathed as he tried to catch his breath. "Ah, yeah, no. This whole thing is a circle. But not a real circle, more like a freaky circle" Korg answered. Thor acknowledged me quickly before looking around. "This doesn't make any sense" I stated as I followed his gaze. "No, nothing makes sense here" Korg answered. "The only thing that does make sense is that nothing makes sense" Korg continued. I sighed. "Has anyone here fought the Grandmaster's champion?" Thor asked. "Doug has. Doug!" Korg shouted at a body in the distance. "Our luck, Doug's dead" Korg dead panned. I gulped before looking to Thor.

"That's right. Everyone who fights the Grandmaster's champion perishes" Korg confirmed I began breathing heavily again. This time I knew no panic attack could help me I pinched myself quite literally and continued listening to the conversation before me. "What about you? You're made of rocks" Thor asked. "Perishable rock. There you go. Another one gone" Korg summarised as a chip of rock fell from his shoulder. "Yeah, no, I just do the smaller fights, warm up the crowd and what not. That's what I think..." Korg shrugged towards me. "Zeanna" I answered. Korg nodded. "That's what I assume Zeanna will do."

I shuddered at the thought of having to fight for my life all for someone's entertainment. "Wait. You're not gonna face him aren you?" Korg asked Thor catching on to his previous questions. "Yes, I am going to fight him, win, and get the hell out of this place" Thor concluded as he began to walk off again. "That's exactly what Doug used to say. See you later new Doug" Korg concluded before he turned and began to walk off himself.

"Wait!" I called causing Korg to spin on his heel. "I've been told I'm fighting a woman. Do you know of any?" I asked anxious of the answer. Korg brought his finger to his chin and scratched in thought before answering. "Some gal named Aldrin...Angela... something like that anyway" Korg answered I nodded. He went to walk away before I asked another question. "What can she do?" Korg looked to me. "An angel some have said, a bounty hunter others have said. Both most say" I sighed. "Is she any good?" I continued. "She hasn't been beaten in a while" Korg answered truthfully. I shook my head in defeat. "Last thing" Korg nodded to my request. "Does the component have to be slain in order for one to win" I asked hesitantly. "Well, I mean, it can help but just knock her out if you don't feel like it" Korg shrugged whilst Miek who had suddenly appeared at his side clicked to his response before the two of them nodded towards me and walked off. Oh Zeanna, what have you gotten yourself into.

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