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A sudden cold sensation swarmed my body, I sat up fast and gasped for breathe. I panicked as I looked around and saw nothing but rubbish. I looked down to see that I was currently sitting in muddy water. I stood to my feet and lifted them gingerly as I felt soft mush invade my sandals. I heard groaning nearby, I spun on my heels as fast as I could and rose my fists, hopefully seeming more threatening. I lowered my hands when I saw Thor sitting against a heap of Rubbish. "Thor!" I called as I waded through the knee deep water to his location. I tried to not gag as the rotten smell surrounded me. I jumped as a loud splash nearby startled me as more rubbish landed where I had previously. Thor smiled slightly as he out stretched his hand to help me as I neared land. As I stood beside him I followed his gaze to a large red worm whole that filled the sky above us.

There was a heavy silence between us. "Thor... I'm... I don't know what to say" I spoke truthfully looking to him as I pushed the auburn waves from my face and began to tighten my armour. I noticed Thor just nod from the corner of my eye, I sighed hoping that keeping myself busy would help me stay calm and forget my worst fears about Loki. Before I could even begin to comprehend what was happening Thor grabbed my shoulders and hoisted us backwards up a mound of garbage as a large part of a space ship fell hard where we once stood. The two of us exchanged looks before we gazed into the distance. Before us was thousands of miles of junk with tall buildings standing alone in the distance. Before we could even discuss what we were going to do a loud alarm brought our attention to a space craft that had begun to separate and land before us. As strange masked beings walked out of the craft Thor began to walk towards them as I stayed hesitantly close behind him. Thor came to a stop as did I when one of the men took of their mask. "Are you fighters? Or are you food?" The man asked. I gulped and coward behind the god. "We're just passing through" Thor spoke calmly "It is food" the man announced as the others walked towards us with fire arms raised.

"On your knees" the man commanded. Thor rose his arm awaiting his hammer only for the new realisation to hit him. I visibly shook beside Thor as gun was cocked. Thor and I both rose our hands, however Thor began to fight as I moved away. Thor flung a man across the dump site. Another man grabbed Thor's cape only for it to rip. Thor just continued to punch the individuals before I watched the man that had spoken to us raise a large weapon. "Thor!" I screamed. But it was too late. Thor had been covered in an electrocuting net. "No, no please, I..." before I could finish I too was captured in the net. The electricity coursed my body as I watched helplessly as the group of bandits begin to beat Thor. My voltage had been surely turned down as I was able to kick and scream whilst Thor couldn't even move. I cried as the men, now bored of Thor, began to approach me, I screamed and wept as the net began to be removed. I lashed around only for my limbs to be pinned down. Flashbacks from my time in the dungeons began to become yet a new reality as the armour Loki had gifted me with was torn from my body.

I continued to sob. Looking to the sky I knew that there was no way out of this. No Loki to even support or save me. Just as I had begun to give up and stop fighting back the roaring of an engine stopped the men around myself and Thor and we all looked up. I watched as the stairwell of the space craft released and I braced myself for the next terror that was to come. I was pleasantly surprised when a fierce but drunk looking woman emerged. She had silver paint, maybe tattoos on her face and was clad in blue armour. She had a bottle of drink in her grasp and she stumbled out of the cockpit. She took another swig out the bottle and threw it into the rubbish surrounding us. She began to attempt to walk towards us. "They're mine" she slurred before she fell of the walkway into the rubbish below. I sighed, maybe my situation would get no better. Another tear slid down my cheek as the men around us went back to beating Thor and trying to harm me.

"Wait!" She screamed from inside a rotting carcass. Thor attempted to sit and get a better look of the women before looking weakly at me and seeing me still pinned to the ground by the men's feet. I whimpered as they dug their heels into my skin. "Wait" the woman said once more causing the men too look back to her. "They're mine. So if you want them, you go through me" she announced. I let another tear etch down my face as pain continued to run through my body. "But we've already got them" the woman shrugged at the man's comment. "All right, then. I guess I go through you" the woman finished. "More food" the man concluded before the woman banged her fists together causing them to light up. Large guns that attached to her ship copied her hand movements. The men walked past myself and Thor and towards the woman. I pushed myself across the floor beside a chunk of metal. I held myself in a foetus position as I attempted to calm my nerves. This was short lived as the woman began to violently shoot the men that had previously held us capture.

Thor pushed the net off himself before briefly looking to me and then back to a remaining man that ran towards this strange lady. She effortlessly threw him into the distance. "Thank you" Thor stated before she threw a small disk at his neck and electrocuted him. I screamed. Pathetic I know but I did. It wasn't loud but it was enough to get a confused look of the woman. I attempted to flee over the mountains of rubbish as Thor wriggled across the floor. I didn't even know what to do, I didn't even know how my powers could help me. Before I could make it far enough away I felt a painful sting on my leg. I looked down and saw the same disk that had been thrown at Thor. As I watched the lady go to press the button on the remote she held I shouted. "Please!" But it was too late. She hit the button and I too could now feel the electricity pulsing through my veins. I laid still upon the rubbish paralysed once more from the pain that surrounded me. I knew that tears were streaming down my face but as the woman walked to me I shut my eyes tight and flinched as she gripped me alongside Thor to pull us aboard her ship. I felt myself slip into darkness once again.

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