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Hours had passed and night had fallen. I was still alone on the foreign planet with Loki's body as the only company. I refused to look at his frozen features any longer and found refuge against a large boulder, shielding myself from harsh winds as I looked and the stars above. Although my actions would have pleased a hopeless romantic I was kind of stupid for not leaving with Thor and Jane. I had no idea about how to leave this realm and I no longer had Loki for protection. The thought of his absence caused tears to brim my eyes. I chanced one look to the body before me only to be astounded as a green hue began to illuminate the bleak desert nightline. I rose to my feet and backed away from the body as the familiar site of Loki's emerald magic filled my surroundings and rose up into the starry sky in a thin strip. I shook my head with my hand over my mouth as I sobbed assuming Loki's soul was going to either Valhalla or Hel. As I stood frightened and captivated I watched as the green mist dispersed across the horizon almost disappearing until a sudden boom caused to the power to re combine above me and rush back towards the ground, slamming into Loki's body.

I stood still and silent holding my breath as the bright green disappeared leaving the realm in darkness once again. I watched Loki's body intently as it appeared to be... thawing out? As I looked his body up and down I was brought back to his face as gasps for air and coughs left Loki's mouth causing me to acknowledge his revival. My mouth hung open as I watched the man I believed to be dead open his eyes. "Loki!" I called rushing to his side and falling to my knees. Loki continued to cough as I threw myself around him. Sobbing into his chest grateful for hearing his healthy heart. I pulled back to look at the wound that was previously displayed across his abdomen to see his green magic ridding of puncture. I looked back to Loki's face to see he was staring back at me, no longer coughing. "You were dead! You weren't breathing!! A sword went through you!" I said, rushed and flustered, tears falling down my face. Loki pushed himself up into a sitting position taking his thumb to my cheek to wipe my tears. "I'm so sorry Zeanna" Loki replied with a hoarse voice as he looked around, taking in our situation before looking back to me. "How?" I breathed nuzzling into his already warming chest.

"You will hate me" Loki began with a chuckle causing me to look to him with confusion. "It was all a very powerful illusion" I pulled away from him anger spread across my face. "How dare you!!! I mourned for you!!" I shouted as I rose to my feet, Loki not far behind. "Zeanna believe me when I say this but it wasn't easy, I heard your cries but it was all for you, I couldn't bare for you to go back to that cell, not so much for my own benefit but for yours! How could I care for you and protect you from the other side of a cell!!!" Loki exclaimed as he gripped my wrist pulling me towards him. I allowed myself to collide with his chest before punching against it lightly. "You arsehole" I murmured earning a chuckle. "You truly are the purpose of my life now Zeanna, and I do not take it lightly when I say I love you" I looked to Loki as he finished taking a strand of my hair and tucking it behind my ear. I smiled embracing the butterflies that swarmed my body as I looked up to the god, ignoring our current situation. "I love you too" I replied leaning onto my tip toes before gifting my lips on his. The kiss was sweet and passionate and concluded many unsaid words. The sound of an air craft brought us apart from one another as we looked towards an oncoming ship. With a smirk Loki turned back towards me "That my dear is our ride out of here".

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