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Late afternoon had turned into night. I'd fallen asleep in Loki's protective arms and really wasn't at all surprised when I saw the peculiar clock beside me indicate it was dark outside. I'd had a pretty traumatic last couple of days. I had been imprisoned, fought for my life and experienced things with Loki I thought I'd never be able to relive.

I rolled over clutching the quilt close to my naked body. Loki was still asleep beside me, and even though we had been together for so long it was very unusual for the two of us to share a bed. In the beginning, we'd obviously been in separate cells and after our escape and disguises, we were only allowed hushed visits. But now, in my newfound state of bliss, I was able to take in the details of the man I loved.

As he slept, his long hair had fallen carelessly over his features. His head rested upon his own arm that he had tucked under the pillow beneath him. His other hand was still lazily draped over my bared hip, even after my change in position. I took my attention back to his face where I noticed the flickering blue patches that danced over his skin. After all these years I had only seen flashes of Loki's true heritage. It made me frown. Why hadn't I paid more attention? Why didn't I ask?

These thoughts played on my mind as I continued to study his unblemished highlights. My eyes wandered over his sleek, strong physique. He was breath-taking to look at, his chiseled muscles were highlighted by the slight light cascading from the bathroom. Even in his naked glory I couldn't help but wince as I lightly brushed my fingertips over the small almost invisible scars that patterned his body.

As a god, cuts, gashes, and wounds heeled pretty fast meaning that scars were almost never formed nor 'needed' by the body, but that fact the man had them worried me. How bad where his injuries to cause these? What has he witnessed? I pulled back my hand a moved the hair covering his face away from his eyes and behind his ears. I watched as his eyes moved rapidly beneath his closed lids. Was he dreaming? I removed my hand from his face and laced my fingers with my power.

Gently I began caressing his form with my magic. Feeling him in a way I had yet to experience. It was almost as if I was blueprinting him to my memory. Loki's body began to shift under my concentrated gaze. I dropped my dancing fingers and ran my fingers gingerly against his lips as he began to stir, and his eyes fluttered open.

I was greeted with a soft kiss to my palm. "Hi" Loki breathed turning his lips into a small smile. I returned the gesture and pushed myself towards him, getting close enough to lay my head into the crook of his neck. "Did you sleep well?" I mumbled taking in a deep breath. "The best I have in years" Loki replied kissing the top of my head.

"Loki" I asked getting a hum in reply. "Show me the real you" I asked carefully moving away slightly to read his facial expression. Confusion spread across his face. "This is as real as it gets" Loki replied with a chuckle. I shook my head and pushed myself up, holding the sheets against my chest as I kneeled before him. "Show me the blue you" I whispered looking into his emerald eyes. "I really don't see why you're interested. It's horrific, ugly, monstrous..." Loki trailed off as he looked out of our room's large window.

"No, you underestimate your magnificence, I saw glimpses as you slept, I know you try to hide who you really are, it's not fair that that's something I've just accepted. I want to see all of you, regardless of what that is" I confessed as Loki stood from the bed and wrapped a discarded towel around his middle. He sighed before closing his eyes and allowing his blue form to take over.

His skin began to fade from white to blue. His new melanin rising from his feet upwards. As his heritage became ever-present intricate details and markings began to cover his skin. Semi circles and ancestral lines rose from his smooth skin and his eyes turned bright red. The room had gotten noticeably cooler and I lifted the sheet I was clutching tighter against my bare shoulders

I looked into Loki's now transformed eyes and smiled taking in his full appearance in awe. Loki shook his head as he looked down at himself and turned away from me in shame. As he did this I was gifted with the sight of his beautiful back. As stupid as that sounded, I gasped as I took in the carefully placed patterns that painted him. They were almost astrological, and I involuntarily leaned forward dropping my modesty in order to trace the patterns upon his magnificent skin.

As soon as I touched him his coldness took my breath away. I was in amazement of the man. No sooner than when I had touched him, did he quickly pull away and face me once more. "What is it? I know it's horrible, I never should have shown you. I promised my..." I hastily pushed my self of the bed and practically leaped into his arms cutting him off midsentence with a passionate kiss.

"You are beautiful" I breathed taking in his appearance now more closely. His cold skin sent goosebumps across my skin and I reveled at the feeling. "Never hide yourself from me again" I whispered leaning up onto my tiptoes to give him another lust-filled kiss. I hung my arms loosely over his hips and absently caressed his markings. I felt the god tense beneath me. "Zeanna, you are the most precious thing I have ever had the pleasure to lay my eyes upon" Loki finally responded, pulling my attention to the fact that he was looking down on me adoringly.

Today had been a milestone in our relationship and I couldn't help but smile as I buried my head against his chest.

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