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As myself and Thor were forced to follow the Grandmaster, my attention went back to trying to free myself from my binds. I struggled as I strained, attempting to pull myself free. I slumped into the chair in defeat and look to my lap as loud music filled my ears, I acknowledged that we were now in a new location however I still looked down. I thought of the doom I had placed myself in. I wasn't a fighter, what was I bloody thinking. "My name is Grandmaster" the Grandmaster began as we stopped before him. I looked up to him briefly before I looked back to my lap. "I preside over a little harlequinade called the Contest of Champions. People come from far and wide to unwillingly participate in it. And you, my friends, may just be part of the new cast. What do you say to that?" The Grandmaster finished. I stayed silent looking to my lap.

"We're not friends and I don't give a shit about your games. We're going back to Asgard" Thor demanded anger evident in his tone. I sighed still studying the way my dress fell on my lap. "Ass-Gard" the Grandmaster giggled to Topaz before he began counting in a beat and changing the music that drummed my skull. "Loki? LOKI! LOKI!" I heard Thor shout, I lifted my head sharply and to my surprise there he was, seated with various people, drinking alcohol and laughing. I frowned at his unfazed demeanour. "Over here. Over here" Thor begged only for Loki to waltz straight past him and crouch over me. "Are you okay? Did anyone hurt you? Has Thor looked after you?" Loki stressed as he caressed my face causing my tears to begin to flow yet again. I shook my head as he pecked a kiss on my cheek. "Loki, I, I, thought you were gone again and then these men they hurt me so much and they tried to, they tried to... " before I could finish more tears streamed down my cheeks. Loki looked distraught. "And then I was here and I was so scared and then I was sold to this Grandmaster and he said I could either have some fun with him or fight and I..." As I was about to tell Loki my fate Thor called his brother. "What are you doing here?" Loki asked in a whisper leaving me briefly but still holding my forearm. "What do you mean, what am I doing? Me and Zeanna are stuck in these stupid chairs, where's your chair?" Thor spoke louder. "I didn't get a chair" Loki continued to whisper. "Get us out of these then" Thor demanded. "I can't" Loki informed causing me to whimper and him to grip my arm harder, noticing my grief. "Get us out" Thor continued as I wept. "I can't" Loki repeated sadly "what?" Thor asked.

"I've made friends with this man. He's called the Grandmaster" Loki began. "He's crazy!" I recalled gaining a frown from Loki. "I've gained his favour, Zeanna I'm going to sort this okay?" Loki spoke as he rubbed my arm comfortingly as another panic attack began to course through my body. "The bifrost brought me out here weeks ago." Loki stated. "Weeks ago?!" Me and Thor exclaimed in unison. "Yes." Loki grimaced "I thought you dead" Loki said looking to me with sorrow written across his face. "We just got here" Thor replied. "What are you whispering about?" The Grandmaster also whispered causing the three of us to jump. "Time works real different around these parts. On any other world, I'd be, like, millions of years old. But here on Sakaar..." There was an awkward silence as the Grandmaster suddenly stopped talking. "In any case, you know this uh, you call yourself Lord of Thunder? And Zeanna?" The Grandmaster asked him. "God of Thunder, tell him" Thor said with a fake laugh. I looked to Loki pleading for his help. Loki gulped. "I've never met this man in my life." Loki said I let out a cry as I dropped my head to my lap. Bastard. "He's my brother" Thor yelled. "Adopted" Loki confirmed. "And the lady?" The Grandmaster asked. Loki stayed silent. "We briefly met back on Asgard, but all I know is that she is the most precious thing I had ever laid eyes on" Loki spoke, I looked to him softened by his gushy words but still confused as to why he thought lying would protect us.

"Are they any kind of fighters?" The Grandmaster spoke causing Loki to look to me strangely. Thor laughed "You take this thing out of my neck and I'll show you" Thor threatened. I looked to the Grandmaster. "Now, listen to that. He's threatening me. Hey, Sparkles, here's the deal. If you wanna get back to Ass-Place, Assberg..." The Grandmaster tried. "ASGARD" Thor corrected loudly. "Any contender who defeats my champion their freedom they shall win" the Grandmaster concluded. I shook my head, the reality of never leaving this godforsaken place being concluded. Loki caught on to my distress, piecing together what I had been putting forward in our small convocation. "Fine then point me in the direction of whoever's ass I have to kick!" Thor shouted yet again. "That's what I call, contender. Direction would be this way, Lord" the Grandmaster declared as Thor began to move to a new location. "Ah, Loki!" He shouted before he disappeared from view.

Loki cleared his throat causing myself and The Grandmaster to look at him. "And what of Lady Zeanna?" Loki questioned looking to me from the corner of his eye. "Ah yes, she didn't want to play with me so...she decided to be a contender" the Grandmaster deadpanned as he pressed a button causing me to move forward in the same direction as Thor went. "Wait!" Loki called causing my chair to stop suddenly. "I'll take her place" Loki offered dramatically. I sighed. "Ah, how heroic, young love and all that..." The Grandmaster cooed before I heard Topaz grunt. "You see, I'm afraid I have already paid for this woman to be a fighter and we have just one contender that seems suitable for her. I gave her the choice but she choose to fight so..." The Grandmaster stated as he walked passed me and the chair began moving. "Last thing" I begged. The chair stopped as the Grandmaster turned to me and I felt Loki approach my side. "If I win, please release me from wherever I will be held? I shall stay on the planet I will even become a worker just please do not allow me to fester like a caged animal" I whimpered as thoughts of my last imprisonment filled my mind. Loki gripped my shoulder causing me to look to him sadly. I saw a single tear fall from his own face and land on my arm. I looked back to The Grandmaster only to see him looking between myself and Loki with a hand on his hip.

"Ughhhh, very well, just because I like you two" the Grandmaster sassed as he pointed between us before pushing the button and making my chair continue to move forward ripping me from Loki's hold. I struggled to look behind me back to Loki one last time but large white doors where slammed in my face. I winced at the loud noise. This is it Zeanna, pull yourself together!

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